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  1. crzycknmomma

    Southern Indiana First Year

    This is my first year with chickens. I have 7 Americana and a rooster. My coop is wrapped in plastic. But im worried they are too cold. Its 25 degrees in my coop. Ive read different things one says they should be ok in the cold and the other says they won't. I have straw in there and one...
  2. crzycknmomma

    Help with introducing new birds to my flock

    So after introducing new birds and that failed miserably I segregated my flock. They have been living close enough to see one another but not able to hurt each other for about 2 weeks. Im going to wait ar least another 2 weeks before I start integrating them. But how do I do it? All in one big...
  3. crzycknmomma

    introducing new hens to flock

    I bought 7 new hens and added them to my coup yesterday. However my old hens are attacking them and won't let them near the food or water. They are all about the same size. Not sure what I need to do... Any help would be appreciated!
  4. crzycknmomma

    breed? gender?

    Can some one please tell me what breed and/gender this bird is?
  5. crzycknmomma

    New Chicken Owner with questions about hatching

    Hello all! I only recently got chickens (this past July). And started getting eggs within the past month or so. However, I have started thinking about letting some of my eggs hatch this coming spring. I have read that I need to keep the chicks separate from my flock... is this true? Any...
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