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  • Users: chkva
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  1. chkva

    Rat snake

    We were just talking about a LONG snake skin we found over a year ago and saying we haven't seen a snake to our relatives that live in New England. They said they wouldn't move here because of snakes... While I was away, my husband caught a rat snake eating our 6 week old Cochin that we just...
  2. chkva

    The whole flock is together!

    We successfully integrated our whole flock! We have a wide range of ages in our flock. There's 3 weeks, 4 weeks, 6 weeks, 5 months, and 6 months for age ranges... We've had our chicks outside since day 1 with the See but Not Touch Method, they were in a 600 SQ FT run with a coop of their own for...
  3. chkva

    Fermented feed

    I'm just wondering what benefits everyone has actually seen in their chickens while feeding FF... So far my yolks have been bigger and my OE is consistently laying (she was an every other day layer, now it's every day). They also seem to tolerate the hot weather (90-99 degrees F) a lot better...
  4. chkva

    Farm Stands

    I'm not sure why I never thought of this until yesterday when we stopped at a farm stand... Right now my vegetables/fruits are growing and that's doesn't help on these hot days we are getting. Yesterday my chickens were so hot, it was about 95... I stopped at a farm stand to get melons (they...
  5. chkva

    Tell me everything about ducklings

    We just ordered two Blue Indian Runner female ducklings (all the duck posts on here made me want them)... they arrive on the 24th or 31st. They will be about 2 days old. My temps outside are 80+ and at night 70+. I need to know everything about ducklings! Tips, advice, and anything useful you...
  6. chkva

    Should I just let them go?

    My 3-week-old chicks got out of their 800 SQ FT run because I didn't lock the door (today's been a rough day to say the least so my mind is elsewhere). I went outside to go check on all of my chickens in their big run to sure no animals got in and I couldn't find them... I go down the stairs...
  7. chkva

    Double yolker

    These are probably the best eggs to get when you have raised a chicken from day 1 and they just started laying. We were dying with laughter when we cracked yesterday and todays eggs from our OE. She was making sure the first eggs ever eaten by me were hers! We all chose which eggs we wanted to...
  8. chkva

    First Red Sex Link egg

    Now I have more than just OE eggs!!! It's nice seeing a new color in the nesting box. She is 4 months 3 weeks and 4 days old (I have an app that tells me their exact age from hatch) :wee
  9. chkva

    Show Your Eggs

    I just wanted to see everyone's eggs that they get since I'm only receiving Olive eggs right now from my OE who just started laying! My two brown layers are waiting until the last minute to lay anything I guess :jumpy
  10. chkva

    When did your chicken start laying?

    I have an OE and she started laying at 19 weeks and 4 days... I thought that they are supposed to lay later than most other breeds :confused: She was hatched on 11/27/18 I have 2 Red Sex Links that hatched exactly a week after this chicken and they have zero signs that they will be laying...
  11. chkva

    New Chicks

    We started out with 4 pullets... Long story short 3 were roosters and we learned a lesson about those who predict sexes of chickens :lau We got two red sex link hens and I said "3 is a good number." Yesterday I got 3 pullets at the farm; a Delaware (Penelope), a Barred Rock (Ophelia), and a...
  12. chkva

    Egg with a hole and mystery layer

    I'm sure this is just because my chickens are new to laying just this week, but why is there a hole in this egg? They eat layer feed and get crushed up egg shells daily along with fresh fruits or veggies at night after they've eaten layer feed all day. What chicken could've laid this? It was...
  13. chkva

    Aggressive Cream Legbar Hen

    We just acquired a cream Legbar hen that's about a year and a half old. Previous owner said she was aggressive with her sisters and he could no longer handle it so he wanted to re-home her. I couldn't say no to adding her to our flock because she's gorgeous and her eggs would look great with the...
  14. chkva

    Free Range Help

    I bought chicks about 7 weeks ago. They have been in their brooder in the coop for most of that time, but I feel like I want to let them out to roam a bit. I have been letting them out every day into a fenced in area for about 3 weeks now, but I pick them up one by one and place them into that...
  15. chkva

    TSC is giving me a headache!

    I bought these chicks on March 15th at TSC and they basically had no idea what I was buying. I told them regardless of what they were that I wanted to get chicks for my family so that we could do something fun together and hopefully get eggs. They told me that all these chicks were layers, but I...
  16. chkva

    New Member

    Hi, I just recently purchased my first 6 chicks and I am new to this whole chicken deal. I am not too familiar with anything about chickens at all, but with the help of some of my friends I have been able to get I think enough information to get me started. I am using my chickens for pets and...
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