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  1. clucktastic

    Baby Mallard, Broken Neck?

    I have a four week old mallard baby that has suddenly started presenting with a neck problem. The head is laid directly back along his (or her) spine, and it feels like it may be dislocated or broken or something. It's the only duck out of 37 that are showing symptoms, and he is able to drink...
  2. clucktastic

    Saving Feathers from Culled Birds?

    I just culled 9 birds today, 3 of which were Pekin ducks, and I saved a whole lot of feathers in an old pillowcase (or 6) and was looking for advice on cleaning them for use in a down comforter (the down, of course), and for craft and art use (mainly tail, neck and saddle feathers). Anyone have...
  3. clucktastic

    Turkey tumor?

    I have a young turk with a large growth on her chest... it's not affecting her eating, it's soft and pliable, appearing to be subcutaneous, and in all other regards she seems to be fine... I tried looking this up on the web and finding pics or some sort of diagnostic chart that would give me a...
  4. clucktastic

    Dosing Amprolium for Coccidiosis

    okay, so I just purchased Corid (20%) powder and need to know how to dose it both for the wet mash and for the water. I understand that you should do the wet mash for 3 days and the water for 7, but I don't know how to dose the powder into it. I'm using a quart jar waterer, and (so far) I'm...
  5. clucktastic

    Lethargic chick! please help!

    I had a barred rock broody who hatched 5 chicks about a week and a half ago, and I just bought 6 americaunas to put under her, and everything went really great for the first 2 days, but now one of the new chicks is just kinda listless and sleepy, not really scratching and I havent' seen it eat...
  6. clucktastic

    The first baby is out! Staggered hatch/Broody questions, need advice!

    My first broody has been so diligent and careful with her first clutch, and I came home from the feed store today to find a beautiful little peep under her! Of course pics are in line when I get them uploaded, but i have a concern about this little guy. My hen went broody about 2 days before I...
  7. clucktastic

    Broody comb and wattles bleached out, is this normal?

    My BR broody has been on her clutch for a week, and so far, so good. She seems really determined, and she's eating and drinking well... for a broody. I noticed today that her comb and wattles seem to have faded from a bright red to a much more faded version. Is this something that I should be...
  8. clucktastic

    How long can you save fertile eggs?

    I want to set some eggs under my BR hen, but I want them to be from my EE's. How do you save the eggs that you want to hatch? how long can you save them, and how long would I have to get them under a broody hen? This is my first time with hatching, so I might be overanalyzing this, but... any...
  9. clucktastic

    Broody Business!

    Okay guys, Here's the question for all of you well educated chicken folk. I have a BR that seems to have gone broody, as she's been on the nest all day, and stayed right there at least until 1230 tonight, as I'm writing this. She kinda gripes at you for checking her out, and so I just left her...
  10. clucktastic

    My Grand Plan... or something like that.

    Hi there. I am coming up on an interesting conundrum... I have a decent flock right now consisting of 7 sex-link hens and one sex link roo, 2 RIR hens, 7 SLW hens, 3 EE's and 6 BR hens and one BR roo... Now, I'm working on a plan to be able to supply chicks here locally as i've been asked about...
  11. clucktastic

    Overmounting? weird bald spot above tail...

    Hi everyone! I was wondering about my 3 EE hens... they have developed a bald spot just above their tails on their backs, and I'm wondering if it's possibly over-mounting by my rather Barry White like rooster-of-love.... two of them developed them to about the same degree, and the third one...
  12. clucktastic

    All you can tell me about Avian Pox

    Hey guys! First of all, thanks to everyone here for all the great info I've gleaned thus far... (and without even so much as a post, until now!) This website, and the forum specifically, has really been a godsend in raising my first flock. That said, I'm experiencing my first real problem. I...
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