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  • Users: BuggyBear
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  1. BuggyBear


    My chicken's foot is swollen and has a hardish nub on one of her toes she won't walk on it and is in pain what should I do for her?? What antibiotic should I give her there is no scabs or open wounds.
  2. BuggyBear

    HELP!! broken foot??

    So my 3 year old chicken won't stand on her leg, she just holds it up in her belly feathers and hops around her foot is swollen and almost is turned in kinda no scabs so no brumble foot if it's broke where should I splint?? Thanks!
  3. BuggyBear

    Help! Chicken boarding?

    I need someone who will "board" my chickens for a month or so there are 9 and they are great egg layers. My family is in a pinch will pay monthly! Need to be around Maine
  4. BuggyBear


    I have an egg with a hole in it big enough for my pinkie in and i feel the baby moving but the membrane is soooo dry she has been in there for 26 days and we thought she was dead what do I Do??
  5. BuggyBear


    Hi! my broody mama hatched some chicks and only two hatched and then she gave up another hatched 4 days later but this chick is weak and she won't accept her! The baby is chirping loudly for a mama and i feel terrible! What should I do The mama is wonderful with her two chicks and I really don't...
  6. BuggyBear

    Mama rejecting weak baby

    Hi! my broody mama hatched some chicks and only two hatched and then she gave up another hatched 4 days later but this chick is weak and she won't accept her! The baby is chirping loudly for a mama and i feel terrible! What should I do The mama is wonderful with her two chicks and I really don't...
  7. BuggyBear

    What to do now?

    So my chicken is pretty much crippled she can barely stand on her own and can't walk she still is bright and eats/drinks and even lays eggs she is breathing harder then usual I assume it's from pressure on her lungs will that kill her? What should I do?
  8. BuggyBear

    Help please?

    So my family is moving in 3 weeks and we are taking our chickens the problem is we are renting a house and cant find a landlord who will allow our chickens. What should we do? we WONT get rid of them. is there anyway we could rent a horse stall at a barn for them or something? sorry if this...
  9. BuggyBear

    Moving to New state are my chickens safe?

    Ok, so my family is moving from Mass. to NC. and I'm worried that they might need shots or something for some virus thats down there. Is there any viruses or things that at are there and not here? thanks!
  10. BuggyBear


    so my chicken's foot is kinda turned in just a tiny bit. She dosn't walk but she can she just kinda hobbles along and her nails are getting really long from not using them she is alert and happy like usual but just lays there with her tail drooping to the ground I've been feeding her aspirin...
  11. BuggyBear

    Chicken still wont walk

    so my chicken's foot is kinda turned in just a tiny bit. She dosn't walk but she can she just kinda hobbles along and her nails are getting really long from not using them she is alert and happy like usual but just lays there with her tail drooping to the ground I've been feeding her aspirin...
  12. BuggyBear

    Help! CHicken won't walk

    Ok so my sweet chicken Foofoo won't walk. Well she will but she kinda limps then lies down she will legit lay on the lawn and eat. She got hurt by the other chickens a while ago and wouldn't walk then but I fixed her up and now she is like this could she be hurt? Everything looks/feels fine thanks!
  13. BuggyBear

    Chicken won't walk?

    Ok so my sweet chicken Foofoo won't walk. Well she will but she kinda limps then lies down she will legit lay on the lawn and eat. She got hurt by the other chickens a while ago and wouldn't walk then but I fixed her up and now she is like this could she be hurt? Everything looks/feels fine thanks!
  14. BuggyBear

    Help Please?!

    Ok so my hen got her eye pretty much destroyed! her eye is all healed up but now she wont eat or drink ive been feeding her egg yolk but she's losing weight I dont think shes crop or gizzard bound because when she does eat her Poo is normal/not only liquid when i feel her crop she has a few...
  15. BuggyBear

    Chicken won't eat!

    Ok so my hen got her eye pretty much destroyed! her eye is all healed up but now she wont eat or drink ive been feeding her egg yolk but she's losing weight I dont think shes crop or gizzard bound because when she does eat her Poo is normal/not only liquid when i feel her crop she has a few...
  16. BuggyBear


    Hi! so I was trying to give my chicken water through a syringe and i got it into her lungs shes breathing hard now how do i help her? I feel so bad :(
  17. BuggyBear


    Hi! so I was trying to give my chicken water through a syringe and i got it into her lungs shes breathing hard now how do i help her? I feel so bad :(
  18. BuggyBear

    Crop Problems :P

    Ok, so my Hen Bits got her eye VERY hurt, It's healing up fine now :D But there is another Problem.She was acting Great at first! she was strutting around trying to get outside, but she started doing nothing, Not eating or drinking only sleeping. I've been feeding her egg yolk and grapes because...
  19. BuggyBear


    Ok so My Hen's eye was Dislodged! Its Kind of like Backwards and sticking 1/4 of an inch out! I put Ointment on it and gave her asprin but its swelling ALOT She is in pain but she still stands up eats etc. My parents dont have money for the vet and they think it will heal up But I'm Soo Scared I...
  20. BuggyBear


    Ok so My Hen's eye was Dislodged! Its Kind of like Backwards and sticking 1/4 of an inch out! I put Ointment on it and gave her asprin but its swelling ALOT She is in pain but she still stands up eats etc. My parents dont have money for the vet and they think it will heal up But I'm Soo Scared I...
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