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  1. 15WildTurkey

    Shrink wrapped chick

    I had my silky Taco sit on a couple of eggs. She evicted 2 but managed to hatch one. A couple days before hatch she sat on the wrong nest. Her egg got quite cool, but it is in the high 70s here. Anyway. It hatched on day 21. However it was the least hearty chick I’ve ever seen. Firstly it’s tiny...
  2. 15WildTurkey

    Injured chicken

    My flock are bullying one of my hens. I have 16 chickens. Including one rooster. Yesterday they beat her up Pretty badly. I’m thinking she might be loosing her left eye. Can I put Antibiotics in her water? She’s inside at the moment. I have tylan 200 and also biomycin or duramycin. I have...
  3. 15WildTurkey

    Sneaky nest

    Hi all, so I came across Angelinas nest. There were 17 eggs in it. But I know she has abandoned it and is laying off behind my pond every day. Her dumbo hubby loudly announces where they go every day. Anyway, czz a n I do the same float test for freshness? They are so hard I’m wondering if it...
  4. 15WildTurkey

    Rooster down

    A friend has an ill silky Rooster. Poor Michael is unable to stand, started wobbly now down completely. They were feeding layer. I immediately thought excessive calcium. They have since switched to all flock with oyster shell for the ladies. Can he recover from this. Food switch happened a week...
  5. 15WildTurkey

    Traction on ice

    We are coated in a couple inches of snow and ice thanks to a recent storm. The chickens do fine, I have a heated water bucket. Buuuuut I also have ducks. And they are adept at turning the whole area into an ice rink. What does anyone use for traction around water bowls? I was thinking non...
  6. 15WildTurkey

    Guinea art

    That’s a lot of circles. @firepint
  7. 15WildTurkey

    Seeking Guineas

    I have a solitary little Guinea keet that hatched with my 3 Pekin ducks. Carmine is 2 days old, and won’t make it alone I think. I’m looking for 5/6 more in the next week or so. I’m in Putnam county NY. If anyone has any nearby let me know please.
  8. 15WildTurkey

    Bald patch on hatchling

    I had 3 Pekin ducklings hatch yesterday. My first ducks and first hatch. I had one Guinea hatch. All my other Guineas quit on me :(. Here’s my question, my second to hatch has a bald patch on her head and a bald neck. There’s no trauma and it was clearly obvious as she made her way out of the...
  9. 15WildTurkey

    Lord Buffalo

    Isn’t he handsome. I love his coloring. The red part looks like flames in the sun. His crow is just developing. He’s def the submissive rooster to Steve Rogers. But he’s gorgeous
  10. 15WildTurkey

    Another “ are these cockerels” post.

    I had a batted rock I swore up and down was a roo as it grew faster then it’s other barred rock sisters, had a pronounced comb and wattles and lo and behold Jamie Lee was a lady. So I’m hesitant about this one. I think I’m a little more convinced about my Americana. The “barred rock”, Steve...
  11. 15WildTurkey

    Sealing floor

    Anyone online can help me , I’m at tractor supply and they have this Leak stopper “rubberized roof patch” It’s made by BlackJack. If this is as good as Black Jack 57 I’ll grab it now and save a trip to Lowe’s with two kids. Thanks anyone?
  12. 15WildTurkey

    Broody or not

    Hi chicken peeps, I have a question. I have a current flock of 3 golden laced Wyandottes and one Rhode Island. We just got another round of chicks at Easter. 4 Barred rocks and 2 silkie bantams. I have the new chickies in a brooder box in the living room. They are getting big as chickies are...
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