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  1. reendersarens

    Crested Legbar Sexing

    I've hatched 23 chicks so far. 5 crested legbars and I'm having trouble identifying which are legbars. I think I have the 5, now its a matter of sexing them. Here's a photo with 6. I got the leg bar hatching eggs. My other hens are all mixed with Rhode Island Red Rooster: Rhode island red...
  2. reendersarens

    Little Giant 9300 Temperature reading off

    I started my eggs at noon yesterday in a little giant 9300. The thermometer is reading 102 but two of my own probe meat thermometers read 95. I checked both of them in boiling water and they read 210. I added a small 80mm fan in the back to help distribute heat. I've read that the little giant...
  3. reendersarens

    Sex link RIR Rooster and White EE?

    I have a Rhode Island Red Rooster and white & black Easter Egger. If I incubate their eggs I should be able to tell which are hens because the roosters should have some white, correct? If so, what color will her eggs be? Thanks
  4. reendersarens

    Chick pecking other chicks eyes :( what to do?

    I just got a shipment of 6 chicks from Meyer. (2 day shipping to me). 2 RIR, 2 black australorp and 2 Easter eggers. One of the australorp keeps pecking at the other chicks eyes. To the point were one of the Easter eggers skin was damaged connecting to her eyelid. It made me pretty sad to see so...
  5. reendersarens

    First Chicks - One with Spraddle Leg(s)?

    New chicken owner. My local pet shop orders chickens for customers once or twice a spring. Just picked up our 8 chicks yesterday evening. When I got home and put them in the brooder and gave them a few minutes to warm up I right away noticed one of the black australorp chicks had an issue with...
  6. reendersarens

    First Flock Journal Thread

    Thought I'd start a flock journal thread to keep our progress on our first flock, coop and run. We purchased a house in 2013 on 12.5 acres that already had a chicken coop, meat chicken house, pig pen, goat house, and an outdoor chick brooder. All the fencing was taken down though. After...
  7. reendersarens

    Deciding on breed(s) for first flock

    We purchase a home 2 years ago with 12.5 acres. With a chicken coop, brooder, pig pen, small meat chicken house, and small goat house. We want to start with chickens this spring. The coop building itself is nice. I need to add nesting boxes though. And I need to put fencing up for the run. The T...
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