Hi there we are on day 23 of eggs i found warm in the nest box.
I’ve used my normal incubator which usually works like a charm. But they haven’t hatched yet.
I can see them moving inside the egg shell when I candled them what do you suggest?
Hey there,
I haven’t posted in years!
But I have a lavender pekin bantam male
He’s in with a couple of OEGB hens. (He had a nasty injury in with some other pekins. Long story.) I was winding down my OEGB flock and I only have five of those hens left. Anyway he’s in there.
I was wondering what...
Hey there I bought some hatching eggs and was told that they could be any ones of these eggs... Polish, Araucana, Brahma, Leghorns, Coronation Sussex, Naked Neck and Cream Legbars .... And a little guy who I expect is a naked neck popped out but he has black skinn and feathered feet... So who...