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  • Users: marxette
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  1. marxette

    Neighbors chickens

    Not sure where I should have posted this but I need some direction. We have neighbors who, in my opinion don't take good care of their animals. Their chickens run free and spent the whole summer here eating apples that had fallen from our tree. That was ok with us because they ate the stink...
  2. marxette

    Adding new ducks to my flock

    I read through the threads about this issue but I'd still like some input. I have 4 older ducks, two mallards, one pekin and one buff. I've had three of them for almost 9 years. We have a relative coming here to live with three Muscovys, two female and one male. I have a large chainlink...
  3. marxette

    Something is killing my ducks

    My ducks are inside a chain link fence and inside what we thought was a secure duck barn. Yesterday morning we found a dead pekin inside when we went to let them out. Checked all over and couldn't find a way in for anything large enough to do that much damage. This morning we found one of our...
  4. marxette

    Something is killing my ducks.

    My ducks are inside a chain link fence and inside what we thought was a secure duck barn. Yesterday morning we found a dead pekin inside when we went to let them out. Checked all over and couldn't find a way in for anything large enough to do that much damage. This morning we found one of our...
  5. marxette

    Duck with turned in feet

    I have a 5 to 6 year old Pekin. Her feet have gradually turned in until just recently she steps on her own feet and uses her wings to keep from falling over. She is eating and drinking but can't keep up with the rest of the girls. I feel bad for her and worry what winter will be like for her...
  6. marxette

    Strange bloody duck egg

    Found this bloody egg in our duck yard. Anyone seen anything like this before? They are all acting fine.
  7. marxette

    Duck boots

    I saw pictures of someone selling duck boots on here. Can anyone tell me where I can purchase them?
  8. marxette

    Two new drakes.

    Need some input. We lost our beautiful buff drake a few months ago. My husband found him floating in their water. Our girls appeared happy enough without a male. Recently a friend contacted us saying that a neighbor had two pekin drakes that he didn't want and after seeing the conditions they...
  9. marxette

    Bad boy Mallards

    I have 6 mallards, 2 are year old males. All has been happy until lately when the two males have chased two of the girls out of the flock. Won't let them near the water or food. Does anyone know if this is normal behavior? Will it pass or do I have to get rid of the males? I also have 6 female...
  10. marxette

    First time hatching.

    Went on lockdown yesterday morning. This morning I noticed a few pieces of shell laying on the liner inside the incubator. We watched the duckling moving around and the hole got bigger and bigger. Peeping louder and louder. Then nothing. I waited about half an hour and picked up the egg and...
  11. marxette

    Pekin sittin on non fertile eggs.

    One of my Pekins has been sitting on a nest for over a week now. She rarely comes out, only to eat. We haven't had any males since May so I'm confused about her behavior. Anyone have any thoughts ?
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