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  1. ChickenLover741

    Possible impacted crop, help?

    I have a bantam Cochin hen with a large egg-sized lump to the right of her breast. I'm pretty sure it's her crop as I can feel grit and junk in it. It is so much bigger than normal and it didn't empty at all today, what should I do? The vet's office nearby doesn't open again until Tuesday and I...
  2. ChickenLover741

    Possible ILT, what do I do?

    I have a flock of 12 assorted birds at the moment and when I checked on them this morning, many were coughing and sneezing (at least 5 or 6) and two of them had crackly breathing at times. I separated the two who seemed the worst off and put them in my garage, but that's when Gouda coughed up a...
  3. ChickenLover741

    Brahma hen with what appears to be a giant growth on head/back of neck area

    I recently got two brahma hens from a fair, and I couldn't tell them apart except for that darker coloration on one of their faces. Now, one of them has a huge protrusion from the back of her head and at first I thought her feathers had gotten rumpled, but I'm fairly certain it's a growth at...
  4. ChickenLover741

    Small Cochin Hen is Getting Bullied Pretty Badly. Time to Rehome, or Other Options?

    I recently bought three new hens to add to my little flock- two brahmas and a cochin. Now, I'm unfamiliar with the cochin breed but I've heard they're bigger chickens and the one I have seems a lot more like a bantam to me. Anyway, the brahmas are settling in decently but the cochin is getting...
  5. ChickenLover741

    Introducing Smaller Hen into Flock of Young Assorted Hens?

    Recently was given a small hen that I think is a cochin? She has feathered legs and I don't think she's laying yet but I'm unfamiliar with the breed. Anyway, I have a flock of 9 bigger hens that have just started coming into lay (wyandottes, Easter eggers, black giants, columbian rock crosses)...
  6. ChickenLover741

    Labeled as Amauracana in store, doesn't look like the others

    About a month ago I purchased a group of pullets from my local TSC, some were labeled as amauracanas, and while most exhibit similar traits (feather beards, similar colors, etc.) one of them (whom I have dubbed Gouda) looks much different and I was wondering if it was possible it was a different...
  7. ChickenLover741

    Lethargic and Weak Chick, I don't know what to do!

    I've recently purchased 12 chicks and while 11 of them are healthy and lively, one of them (small ameraucana) has been noticibly lethargic and wouldn't move from her spot under the heat lamp. Since she was being stepped on, I isolated her in a separate tote and put some electrolyte and probiotic...
  8. ChickenLover741

    Rooster with VERY swollen eye area. Help?

    Just yesterday, I noticed that my rooster, Reggie, was only facing everything with one side. When I looked at his right side, I saw that all around his eye was very swollen, and looked pretty bad. He's acting otherwise normal, and CAN blink. The eye itself doesn't seem to be injured, maybe just...
  9. ChickenLover741

    Buff Orpington Killed by Hawk

    My year old Biff Orpington hen was just struck by a large hawk (pretty large from what I saw, maybe two and a half feet?) and I'm worried it might come back. It was a gruesome death, and I don't want my other flock members to suffer the same demise. Should I keep them inside? It's been two days...
  10. ChickenLover741

    Bantams Not Going Into Coop

    I recently got two bantam hens (I don't know what breed) and no matter how hard I try to tempt them with food, herd them in, or catch them, I cannot get them into the coop with the other birds. They simply roost in a tree or on the roof at night, and it's getting cold. They come down into the...
  11. ChickenLover741

    Male (Probably) Guinea Hen, Needs New Home

    I have a two-year-old guinea hen in need of a new home. I'm fairly certain it is a male...though I've never been good at sexing them. I live in Maine, and would prefer not to have to drive unreasonably far. I will see what I can do about shipping him. He is a bit shy, and may not trust a new...
  12. ChickenLover741

    Sick Hen, Lethargic and Diarrhea, Seems Serious

    Today, when I came home to feed the chickens, when I walked into the coop, I noticed that a young hen of mine, maybe a year old, was laying down on top of the nesting boxes. This was unusual within itself, as she's very affectionate, and likes to greet me at the door. I walked over, and she...
  13. ChickenLover741

    Help! Injured Rooster, Seems Serious

    Recently, my rooster, Reggie, has gotten into a pretty serious fight with my Guinea hen. His left waddle has been ripped in half, and has scabbed over into a black crust that seems to be dead tissue. His comb has multiple lacerations and bites to it, and the thing that worries me, is that his...
  14. ChickenLover741

    Dry, Brittle and Broken Lookin Feathers on my Silkie

    I was showing my rooster at a fair yesterday, and a small boy asked if I wanted to buy one of his silkies. My flock had been reduced to five, thanks to a dog, so I said yes. I bought a six month old silkie rooster, and discovered that his "flight feathers" (Yes, I know chickens really can't fly)...
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