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  1. chickenraiser24

    Talk About Your Fish!

    Hi guys! Here, You can post pictures and talk about your fish. Here is a picture of my fish ( sorry for the bad quality.) My poor fish is battling a bad case of ich at the moment. Have fun talking about your fish!
  2. chickenraiser24

    Hamster Chat Thread!

    Hey guys! Here you can talk about hamster, hamster care, or post photos! Here is a picture of my hamster free ranging on my bed! I was making a Spring theme, so those are flowers made out of hamster food! I'll post more later!
  3. chickenraiser24

    Post Right Before I Do!

    So, the way this works is that people post something chicken related. The goal is to post right before I post. Example: Person 1: Feathers Person 2: Beaks Me: Person 2 wins! It is completely random when I post. Please, do not post more than once every 5 posts. Have fun!
  4. chickenraiser24

    These poor chickens...

    I have a friend who is with his sister who is in the hospital. He admits that he has not been caring for his three pullets. He wants me to find them a new home. I went over to take care of his chickens. They have been locked in a coop with no food and water. They love me, especially since I...
  5. chickenraiser24

    Are members allowed to kick you?

    I have noticed some threads in games, jokes, and fun (not role plays) where the member who posted it says you will be kicked unless you follow (their)rules. Is this allowed? Sorry if I posted this in the wrong spot! And by members, I mean people like me, not admin.
  6. chickenraiser24

    What chores do you hate doing?

    Here, you can say a chore you hate doing, and why(optional). I will start: Cleaning the nesting boxes. Why? Because my EEs have recently shown interest in the boxes. By that, I mean they have started pooping in them. It gets my Rhode island red's eggs dirty. Plus, my rir just has to lay an egg...
  7. chickenraiser24

    Name the Topic

    Here is how it works. Someone says something, than someone says something related to that. After 10 posts, you have to find a topic name for it. Here is a (shorter) example: Wet Plants Green Warm Bugs Topic: Rainforest
  8. chickenraiser24

    Chickenraiser's Chicken Chat Thread

    Here you can chat about chickens. Have fun!
  9. chickenraiser24

    The Dragon/Pegasus Role Play chat thread

    This is where we can chat, ask questions, and talk about the role play!
  10. chickenraiser24

    Chickenraiser24's chat thread!

    Welcome to my chat thread! This is hear for everyone who has nothing to do, or wants to well, chat!
  11. chickenraiser24

    What can we do about unanswered posts?

    I have noticed that there always seem to be a lot of unanswered threads. While I understand that some threads are unanswered for a reason, 99 percent of the time someone has a question they need answered. What could we do?
  12. chickenraiser24

    How many treats should I give my pullets?

    So, I looked at the treat chart, and it isn't very clear about how much I should give them. By 'treats' I mean lettuce, cheese, or bread. Right now I give them a small amount every other4-7 days. Any suggestions?
  13. chickenraiser24

    The Dragon/ Pegasus Roleplay

    Please Read First A) By participating in this game, I promise that all BYC Rules will be followed and that I have read and understood the Role Play Rules that are in a sticky at the top of the Games forum. B) I promise that all content is to be rated G and suitable for all ages. C) I promise...
  14. chickenraiser24

    How do I keep my chickens warm?

    So, winter will be coming in a few months, and it's already getting cold here. These are the first chickens I've ever had ( they are about 20-23 weeks old). How should I keep them warm? (Sorry if I posted this in the wrong spot; I'm still new to this)
  15. chickenraiser24

    How do I keep my chickens warm?

    So, winter will be coming in a few months, and it's already getting cold here. These are the first chickens I've ever had ( they are about 20-23 weeks old). How should I keep them warm? (Sorry if I posted this in the wrong spot; I'm still new to this)
  16. chickenraiser24

    Create the story!

    So, the title explains most of it. You can add 1 to 5 words per post. If you want to make it a bit more interesting, you can have the words start with the first letter in your username. I'll start: There was a chicken named...
  17. chickenraiser24

    First egg?

    So, my rhode island red is about 24 weeks old. She laid her first egg today, but I don't know when my other pullets will start laying. They are easter eggers, and a few weeks younger. Should they start at around the same time as my rhode island red?
  18. chickenraiser24

    18 week Rhode Island Red:Pullet or Rooster?

    The name pretty much says it all. Pullet or rooster?
  19. chickenraiser24

    Easter egger: Hen or Rooster?

    1 of my easter egger pullets looks like she might be a rooster. I'm not allowed to keep roosters, so I'm hoping that she is a girl. She is on the left. I will post better pictures of her when I can get them. She is about 18 weeks old.
  20. chickenraiser24

    Americaunas or Easter Eggers?

    I have 3 18 week pullets. 2 are either americaunas or easter eggers. How can I tell the difference? I will post better pictures soon.
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