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  • Users: paparootzi
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  1. paparootzi

    squishy chick just hatched?

    I may know the answer to this question but I could hear a chick in an egg earlier and it was beginning to hatch earlier. I had to leave but when I came back, I found chick next to water bowl that I had put in for the momma hen and it was wet and the stomach is squishy and the chick is weak but...
  2. paparootzi

    Hard shell used like grit?

    I have oyster shell for calcium and hard shell from co-op for is small grey rock-like...OR should I just order grit from online?
  3. paparootzi

    What do I give my broody hens to eat?

    I have some broody hens that don't eat that much. I have the layer pellets down for the others to eat but should feed her something else since that food encourages laying? Can I give her treats, bread, cheese, ?? Should I give her a dose of Nutri-Drench for energy? What is that stuff mainly...
  4. paparootzi

    Suspect Eggbound?

    I noticed that I was short an egg for a while and at first thought that maybe a couple of hens were only having one every other day but I decided to isolate EACH hen to check out the situation and realized a certain hen has not laid an egg for a few days. I just recently had a Blue & Gold Macaw...
  5. paparootzi

    scaly legs ??? cause???

    Some of my chickens have nice smooth legs and others look like they are shedding their skin of the legs like a snake! What should I do for them? Are they lacking something in their diets or do I need to rub lotion on their legs???? I feel sorry for them.
  6. paparootzi

    adding baby chicks to broody hen?

    About 3 weeks ago I slipped 12 chicks under a broody hen w/in 2 days because it's depressing to see them sit there forever when I just keep taking eggs from them. All went well! It got her out of the nest and she was just happy being a momma again, (but she had already been one before.) My...
  7. paparootzi

    rooster teaches hen to be LAY-ZZZZZZZZZZZ

    This was last summer when I had grass! I'm so glad I had my camera close by that day!
  8. paparootzi

    If I feed oyster shell, do I still use grit too?

    The guys at Co-0p told me they didn't have "grit" but that oyster shell was the same thing? Is that true? And if not, where can I get grit? BTW, I've had the 27 of mine for about 1-1/2 years now and never had any to die from not getting grit. Are they possibly just getting it from the ground?
  9. paparootzi

    bloody egg?

    Ok, I have seen a little blood on a hens "first egg" in the past and figured it was normal, but all my hens are now 1 year old. Tuesday, I had an egg w/ blood streaks on it and thought maybe I had a hen that had some difficulties laying her egg that day but yesterday I had ANOTHER blood...
  10. paparootzi

    punctured w/ large wood splinter

    Well I thought it was a feather sticking out but I couldn't be so lucky...About 4 inches long was sticking out of him and it is a little over 1/4 inch wide and the thickness is about 1/32 inches. It is located towards the front of him slightly on the right side and even with the top of his wing...
  11. paparootzi

    Rat Bait or not?

    My coop is an enclosed building but has a dirt bottom so I put land timbers around the base of the perimeter. It sits up against the woods and in a year I have not had any casualties to preditors but now I have seen a rat inside and also it has dug a couple of holes into the coop. I am trying to...
  12. paparootzi

    rat or king snake, which is worse?

    I saw my first rat last night about 8:30 when I went in to shut the chicken door. When I flashed him w/ my flashlight, he ran under some stacked hay bales. He wasn't huge but not a little mouse either. I was worried about my chickens but didn't know what to do at the moment so I'm pondering over...
  13. paparootzi

    Anyone ever feed figs ???

    I haven't seen that anyone has and don't want to take any chances but somebody gave me some and I'm not crazy about them so I was wondering if I could feed them to the chicks??? I DO KNOW that avocodos are TOXIC to parrots so I wouldn't feed them to my chickens. So I'm wondering if figs are OK...
  14. paparootzi

    watery nose

    I just noticed a little watery fluid run out my 8 month old pullet BRock's nose. Is this normal or should I be concerned? She acts fine but she jumped up in my lap and wanted me to pet her so maybe she was trying to let me know something??? Could she just have a little cold? I dewormed them last...
  15. paparootzi

    fenbendazole-quick question !!!

    I went to Co Op and got Wazine in the chicken section (to do first) The fenbendazole I got was SAFEGUARD (big tube for horses) (to do a few weeks later) Is this the correct kind of fenbendazole? And I believe it's supposed to be 1/4 cc. for bantams and 1/2 cc. for regular sized. Right...
  16. paparootzi

    multiple due dates...?

    My first hen to sit on eggs was actually very successful! She hatched out 12 of the 15 in the nest in exactly 21 days but when she started sitting, the nest was already full (so they all came at once.) She gave up on the 3 that didn't hatch a couple of days later and got out with her babies and...
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