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  1. simmworksfamily

    A little funny story about my son and eggs

    Ever since I started buying my own eggs (before getting our chickens) I've always purchased free range, organic eggs. They always tend to be brown. Even come Easter time when we dye eggs, we just dye brown eggs. Now that we have chickens we get brown and greenish blue eggs. The other day...
  2. simmworksfamily

    Speckled Eggs Every 6 Or So Days?

    So my RIR seems to lay a speckled egg every 6 days. I just noticed the pattern today after giving my great aunt a dozen eggs from last week and looking and realizing that the eggs I just grabbed from the nest boxes also included another speckled egg a week later. Is this normal or cause for...
  3. simmworksfamily

    Only Goes In Coop To Sleep

    My chickens have never really wanted to hang out in their coop. It's small (compared to the ones I am seeing on this site - boy do I want to expand soon!) but fits the two of them perfectly. However they only go in at night to sleep. During the day they wander our yard (partially covered...
  4. simmworksfamily

    First egg! Not laying in nest...

    So when I came home today from dropping off everyone at school I went in to check and see if Red our RIR layed yet this morning. She had so I grabbed the egg and headed into the back of the house. That's where low and behold a gorgeous egg was sitting right by the sliding glass door. Flower our...
  5. simmworksfamily

    Info on what to feed when/why?

    I have two 6 month old pullets (that's the term for girls under a year, right?) and one just started laying (RIR) while hte other (EE) is still not laying yet. I found a broken rubber egg in the nest of the EE yesterday and am assuming she's starting to lay? We've been feeding them the same...
  6. simmworksfamily

    A new love for my chickens

    I've found a new love for my chickens. And it's not just because one finally started to lay (still waiting on the other). As I was taking down my baby's jumper outside to put her in while I gardened, I dusted it off and shook it around to scare away any bugs or spiders that may have started...
  7. simmworksfamily

    When do your chickens lay?

    Do they always lay early in the morning? Or does it vary? And do they always lay in their nest box or do you have ones that lay elsewhere? Our RIR Red just laid her first egg yesterday and I found it early in the morning. Today's was later mid-morning. I know after reading that it takes about...
  8. simmworksfamily

    Newbie: Do we have a roo?

    Our two chicks are almost 6 months (next week) and Red (our Rhode Island Red) has become more aggressive and dominant. Red used to be the timid shy one when the two were younger always following Flower (our ameraucana) around. Now looking at photos I'm thinking maybe we have a rooster on our...
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