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  1. Stephanie-n-Hayden

    Why did this happen?

    I have three 4 week old chicks. A black sex link, a RIR, and a leghorn. The leghorn is skittish, which is normal. The black sex link is so very sweet and docile. The RIR is not so sweet. In fact, when I put my hand down into the brooder box, she runs at me and bites my hand. She almost...
  2. Stephanie-n-Hayden

    new chicks...crusty poo clogging butt...advice please

    A friend gave me three of her newly delivered batch of baby chicks. I am fairly new to all this, but have raised two sets within the past year. One of these new babies, they are about 1 week old, had a large ball of dried poo clogging her butt. I had read about it on here previously so I...
  3. Stephanie-n-Hayden

    is it a rooster?

    A friend of mine ordered pullets in three breeds, White Leghorn, Rhode Island Red, and Black Sex Links. She gave me one of each. They are only a few days old, I assume. Still very fluffy, no more than a week or two old. The RIR and BSL are showing very pullett like behavior (docile and...
  4. Stephanie-n-Hayden

    Depressed Chickens?

    I think my chickens may be a bit depressed or something. It has been very cold here this past month. We have had below freezing weather (single digits, possibly below 0 at night) and several inches of snow. My small flock would not step foot in the snow, which I can understand. They spent a...
  5. Stephanie-n-Hayden

    POOPing on nest box!!!

    I have been noticing that there is a LOT of poop on top of the nest box when I go in. Then, I realized that RIR is actually sleeping on top of the nest boxes rather than inside of them. This is unusual because she has always slept INSIDE then, never on top. And why would she? It's freezing...
  6. Stephanie-n-Hayden

    When can I merge my bantams and standards?

    This is a long story but I will try to keep it short. I originally had two bantam pullets, a Silky and a GLW. Very sweet birds. Rescued a RIR hen. Not so sweet. She doesn't trust people. Anyway, GLW ended up hatching out 5 eggs. Great! But, RIR killed one of the chicks and kept trying...
  7. Stephanie-n-Hayden

    Rooster Question

    I wasn't sure where to post this question. If this is the wrong place I apologize. Is it okay to keep a rooster with it's mother hen? My GLW bantam hatched out her first clutch, and the 4 babies are about 3 weeks old now. I can already tell that 2 are roosters and 2 are hens. The daddy...
  8. Stephanie-n-Hayden

    Update - My aggressive RIR

    Okay, a few weeks ago I posted my concerns about my small flock. For a bit of background, I have 1 bantam GLW, 1 Silky, and 1 RIR (who I rescued from another home where flock was being gotten by preditors). All was fine, and then my GLW hatched her first batch of eggs. Then, all hell broke...
  9. Stephanie-n-Hayden

    My question is.....

    Is it okay to mate a brother and sister together? What about a young roo with his mother? It sounds awful to me, but I think dog breeders do this to ensure a good blood line. The reason I was wondering is one of my hens recently hatched a clutch, and I am hoping that one of the chicks is a...
  10. Stephanie-n-Hayden

    Chicken life!

    Hi all! I am a 20 year old mother of one from Elizabethtown KY. We were in TSC this past spring to get...heck, I don't even remember now...but it was the week before Easter and as you all know, they had all kinds of baby farm animals there. Ducks, chickens, rabbits... We have a new 12 acre...
  11. Stephanie-n-Hayden

    10 day old chicks...HELP!!!!

    Background info: I have a 7 mo. old Silky, 7 mo. old Bantam who I purchased as babies from TSC back in April along with 4 others who ended up being roos. Once they started fighting and being mean to the two hens, I re-homed the thee more aggresive roos and kept Ricky. All was well. Everyone...
  12. Stephanie-n-Hayden

    New chicks - Now What!???

    I am a first-timer with all of this. I have learned so much from all of you all here that when I realized I had 4 new hatched chicks on my hands, I came straight to you all!! HELP! My 6 month old banty hen went broody toward the end of Sept. and started sitting on her eggs. My RIR has...
  13. Stephanie-n-Hayden

    Help! What breed am I?

    I have been looking and looking but havenot seen a rooster that looks like mine. Anyone have any ideas. This picture is of Ricky Roo at about 5 months old. He is a bantam, but that is all I know.
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