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  • Users: centavo71
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  1. centavo71

    I am confused, what breed is this?

    The cockrals are like this and the girls all brown. Thank you :)
  2. centavo71

    Only feathers and a bit of guts left.

    Something killed one of my chickens last night and left only feathers and a wee bit of guts. We live far enough north that we don't have skunks or Coons. Our biggest concern is always bears and cougars...but this was obviously neither of these. So, what else would climb a six foot fence and...
  3. centavo71

    My broilers are ALL dying

    Can't recall being so discouraged in a LONG time! Last Tuesday I received my chicks from Miller Hatcheries - 75 cornish giants and 25 red rock cross. They all seemed healthy until the next day. The broilers started to fall over and get really weak and die. The others were just fine. Within a...
  4. centavo71

    Something broke into my coop

    For the first time in the three years of having chickens, something broke into my coop - the outside run part. It ripped the bottom boards off and I still don't know if I am missing any birds b/c we are all (me and the chickens) freaked out. My dog is freaking right out. I am thinking it is a...
  5. centavo71

    Dead kitten in laying box? What in the world?

    I haven't posted here in a long long long time but something happened yesterday that freaked me out. I went out with the kids to gather eggs and found a dead kitten (probably a few months old) in one of the laying boxes. This has been such a strange and tragic summer/fall for me and this about...
  6. centavo71

    What? Three days with ZERO eggs?! I don't get it?!

    I have 9 leghorns that lay faithfully for me daily - every day I get between 7 and 10 eggs and then BAM, three days ago they just stopped cold turkey...cold chicken... What is going on? Any thoughts for this newbie? Thanks! Penny
  7. centavo71

    So my husband has me figured out...

    He now knows that I would far rather be out with the chickens than cleaning our house! I don't want him to grow to resent these birdies...guess I will make him a very special omelet tomorrow morn and the next and the next... Does anyone else have a spouse who isn't nearly as fond of the...
  8. centavo71

    First butchering this!

    We are doing our first ever butchering on Saturday and I am starting to get anxious about it! Can you give me a list of the things I will need to have - I am guessing that there is a list somewhere on here...could you link me up? Thanks! Penny
  9. centavo71


    So, does anyone have a hedgehog or hedgehogs?? My son jjust called from school wanting to know if he could have one. A teacher wants to give him one...if it is ok with me. I immediately said yes but honestly I know nothing about the creatures! Any info to share????
  10. centavo71

    Only use one laying box

    My hens have 7 boxes to lay in and so far (just been laying maybe 10 days) they always always use the same box - the little one on the end. Funny birds!
  11. centavo71

    Red bulb keeps dying before it's time

    Does anyone know what is going on? In an effort to keep my chickens warm, I have a 250 watt red bulb in the coop. Anyway, it hadn't been cold enough but now it is. Two times now, the bulbs have burned out right away. Is it b/c I turned them on when they were really cold? They aren't cheap...
  12. centavo71

    Egg number 3 was a double yolker!

    Ok I promise that I won't come on here and announce each and every egg I find but egg number 3 was perfect and beautiful and a double yolker! So happy! Thank you Miss Henny! We had it scrambled for breakfast...the kids were all very impressed Penny...doin' the double yolker dance (there is a...
  13. centavo71

    Second egg finally but with soft shell...

    So, my leghorns are around 18 weeks and they have been free ranging during daylight hours. My son found an egg last week (yay) in the bush by the hen house. So, I am trying to get them to stay inside for much longer now. That being said, because they were free range, they were really not too...
  14. centavo71

    I am in a bit of a pickle...sort of...

    So, I will try to put this in a nutshell. I have 20 leghorns and 25 cornish giant meaties. We will be slaughtering the meaties and 9 of the leghorns in about 2 weeks. Right now, I have the coop divided in 2 and the meaties have a run on their end but the leghorns free range throughout the day...
  15. centavo71

    A funny dog and roo...

    My dog has been carrying around this hunk of fish today for some reason. Anyway, this roo got a little too close for her liking. She is nothing but gentle with them but does her best to look menacing at times
  16. centavo71

    A picture to share

    Here are 2 of my kiddos with 2 of my meaties. They are aroud 7.5 weeks. Rachel just said 'I love you' to the one she was holding before I took the picture. I hope she loves how he tastes too
  17. centavo71

    Timberwolves and cougars...

    A week or so ago, we spotted a couple timber wolves very close to our home and then a few days ago, a neighbour stopped in to let us know that they spotted a cougar within 50 feet of our acreage. I knew there were cougars around but I have to admit the timber wolves took me by surprise. Our...
  18. centavo71

    Tipping the feed

    So, the other day I went to feed my leghorns outside in their feeder and I watched as one of the big roosters walked over and knocked it hard enough to spill feed out to eat it off the ground. He kept doing this until he knocked the entire thing over and ate it off the ground. So, since then, I...
  19. centavo71

    Newbie with egg laying questions

    So, I have 19 white leghorns - 8 of them are roosters. I have 25 meat birds and we will be butchering in about a month. The plan is to also butcher 6 of the leghorn roosters. Am I right to keep a couple roosters with my laying hens or should I get rid of them all? I have NO idea, I am so new...
  20. centavo71

    A question about my leghorns

    So I have 19 leghorns - 12 of which are hens. They are 13 weeks and I read that they can start laying around 17 weeks. This is my plan - remember I am new at this so please point out to me what I am dong wrong (or right!). lol! We will kill our meat birds in October and my plan is to kill...
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