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  • Users: TeaKettleK
  • Content: Threads
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  1. TeaKettleK

    "Rare Egg Layers"??

    Got new fuzzy butts, but as they can be one of about a dozen breeds, I have no idea what kinds we got! Help??
  2. TeaKettleK

    Across-the-street dogs

    Insight, please? We live out in the country with a couple acres and have great neighbors. But. They have 2 dogs who roam pretty free. They've gone mole hunting in my front yard, which I let go... They've gotten into our roadside trash waiting for pickup, the owners cleaned it all up... Our...
  3. TeaKettleK

    7mo pullets attacked, many injured

    Pretty sure the dogs across the street came over to play. I've got 1 dead, 4 pretty badly injured-- but only skin deep. Missing lots of feathers, there are feathers everywhere!! This happened this morning and so far they've all returned home and we've treated with Blu-Kote, and I added the...
  4. TeaKettleK

    So it is said... Update, with pic!!!

    My sweet girls are going to be 26 weeks old tomorrow. not that I'm counting. We're still very patiently waiting on our first egg. We've sold 9 of our girls (since I had all pullets in my straight run ) and some of the ones I've sold are already laying. A bunch of the girls have been...
  5. TeaKettleK

    Limping pullet, lump on toenail? [pics]

    We have 14 pullets, 5 1/2 months old, not laying yet, free-range most of the day, free access to layer feed, oyster shells, grit and fresh water. My brown leghorn started limping today. She was camped out in a laying box (I thought she was getting ready to lay...) but when I went to snoop, she...
  6. TeaKettleK

    Gardeners: chickens eat what?

    I'm planning our new garden this year, we have a bunch of fencing, but not enough to put everything inside it. My chickens are pretty much free-range and I'm guessing they'll love lettuce in the garden as much as they do when I toss it out for them as a treat. LOL Are there plants the...
  7. TeaKettleK

    Smarter than we think, right?

    I talk to my ladies like they were little people. I chat with them.. my 3yo thinks I'm silly, but it's just what I do. So, just in case they understand way more than you'd THINK they do, I gave them a lil' hint... My birthday is this week. A first egg, or 2, or 12 would be a FABULOUS...
  8. TeaKettleK

    What do you use to say, "lay in here"?

    I put an Easter egg in each of the laying boxes of our just-over-4month pullets, thinking chickens are color-blind and wouldn't mind. Not sure where I got that idea. They keep fishing one out and moving it to the other side of the coop! It ends up in a kinda little 'nook' where I could see...
  9. TeaKettleK

    UPDATE 17 wks, pg 2- Breed/Sex help? 14wk- Welsummers?BR?RIR?

    Those are my guesses anyway. I was expecting more comb by now, which had me silly, thinkin' I had 26 pullets. LOL There seem to be a few whose combs are a little more pronounced and a touch redder, all look to me to be single. All the chickies seem very curious and friendly, none seem to...
  10. TeaKettleK

    4 week chicks, feathering out, what've I got?? (img heavy)

    OK. First time we took them outside was apparently the first time we'd picked them up and moved them one-by-one. We don't have 25 chicks. We have 26. LOL I'd love any and all opinions on breed and gender! I'm fairly clueless, though I do mean well. TBH, I'm pretty shocked that we...
  11. TeaKettleK

    Can you overfeed chicks?

    I've got 25 2-week-old (assorted sr brown egg-laying) chicks. Cute as all get-out and making me feel like a first-time-mama all over again... Went through the 5lbs of starter we got from the hatchery in about a week so I bought the 50lb bag of Purina medicated start-&-grow (?) and a week later...
  12. TeaKettleK

    Breed help in 3 day-olds?

    Is it too early to tell? I bought a brown-layer assortment and I'm trying to figure out what all I got! They are SO CUTE! I've got most of them figured out, I think. Charlotte told me our mix had (looked like) Buff Orp, RIR, Speckled Sussex, Brown Leghorns, Barred Rock and Black...
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