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  1. Doc McCluckins

    Leg Injury, HELP

    My best call drake was injured Saturday morning. A dog got his foot and pulled in through the bottom of his enclosure. There is no severe cuts or gashed and it does not feel broken but he will not put any weight on it. I am hoping it is just sore. I have him in a conditioning pen inside the barn...
  2. Doc McCluckins

    GQF Sportsman 1502 Troubleshooting

    I am having trouble with my incubator. I bought it about 4 months ago and am definitely new to cabinet incubators but seem to be having some troubles. Any help appreciated. 1. Humidity. I cannot seem to keep the humidity very high, over single digits even sometimes. I use the wick pads, try to...
  3. Doc McCluckins

    First Time Duck Raising Questions

    I started with Call ducks this year and purchased all adults so I am looking forward to raising our first brood of call ducklings in the spring when our girls start laying. As of now I have 3 drakes and 6 hens and plan to sort them into breeding pens of trios pairing birds with traits that...
  4. Doc McCluckins

    Respitory infection in duck.

    I have a call pullet who has had some congestion in her breathing that I have noticed. She acts healthy otherwise and is eating and drinking but she seems to just have a snotty nose. Her eyes are clear and she is not lethargic. I have her isolated from my others but I was wondering if there was...
  5. Doc McCluckins

    2017 Dixie Classic

    Anyone going to this show in Knoxville, TN in Dec? This year will be my first time going. I am potentially taking a pair of call ducks. I was hoping someone that has been before or will be going this year could shed some light on what to expect. This will be my first big poultry show. Looking to...
  6. Doc McCluckins

    Please Help, hen with swollen eye and rattled breathing PICS

    I just noticed her like this last night. One of her eyes is about half swollen and she has a rattle in her chest. About a month ago I purchased a rooster from a local show and about a week after bringing him home he started exhibiting these symptoms. All poultry at this show were tested for...
  7. Doc McCluckins

    Mille Fleur D'Uccle Critique

    I have been very sucessful in local shows with my birds but was hoping to get involved in some APA shows in the next year or two. Please critique my birds (Cock and Hen) by SOP and educate me on what I need to look for in future stock as well as offer any tips to a newbie showing. Be honest, I...
  8. Doc McCluckins

    Shipped call duck eggs, broody hen, detached air cells AHHH

    Yesterday I received 6 call duck eggs from e-bay. My intentions were to place them under a broody hen per the advice of the seller as calls are harder to hatch via incubator and I have a hen dying to hatch something. Upon arrival I candled them and discovered all but one have detached air cells...
  9. Doc McCluckins

    bantam breed ID

    I got these two girls in an assorted bantam mix. They are not necessarily purebred but could be. Anyone know what they might be? (Ignore the blur that is my D'Uccle roo coming to run me off from his ladies lol)
  10. Doc McCluckins

    Boody Hens. Help!

    I'm ready to fry some chickens. I had eggs for hatching in the spring and early summer. Not one hen would set.. I ordered babies since my incubator attempts were in vain. Now we are selling eggs and now I have 5 hens that want nothing more than to set. Is there anything I can do to deter them. I...
  11. Doc McCluckins

    Eggs Hatched, now what...

    To summarize: I had a hen that went broody, we skipped a day collecting eggs and she claimed the pile, as all my hens lay in the same box even though I have 10 boxes. The brainchild chicken got up to get food and water and came back to the nest and sat on a new pile and abandoned the ones about...
  12. Doc McCluckins

    AHHHHH. I may have one of the dumbest hens ever.

    So frustrated. One of our Austrolorps went broody. We have a 10 hole nesting box and while there is more than enough for everyone to lay an egg in their own box, since not all 11 lay everyday, they all like to share a box. One day we went out to find our Austrolorp sitting on the eggs so we let...
  13. Doc McCluckins

    Help: Run = Mud skating rink

    Last year my husband and I added a coop and run to our new residence. Run is about 10x40 (400 sq foot) and has a pretty steady decline( I have skied down that slope more times than I care to admit). There are 11 hens in the coop. We should have prevented this before it started but I have never...
  14. Doc McCluckins

    Help me pick new chickens!

    My husband and I are looking to add about 10 more birds to our flock. We have 11 hens and about 4 roosters currently. Several of our roosters are going to have to be rehomed to the freezer soon I am afraid. I am just having a hard time picking favorites. The main issue is my husband only wants...
  15. Doc McCluckins

    Hello from Tennessee

    Hello, I am a chicken addict. They say the first step is admitting you have a problem but I don't see a problem! My husband and I have a small flock of 12 birds, although that can change at the blink of an eye. One accidental stop at a flea market and we could have 32... We recently sold...
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