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  • Users: Angus2914
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  1. Angus2914

    Dead Guinea

    Found one of my full grown fowl dead with no apparent injuries or visual causes, any notions?
  2. Angus2914

    Leg Injury

    I have this beautiful young Light Brahma that has developed a injury to her leg, this is seemingly restricting her in her movement and getting around, what can I do with her, I hate to think the worse, what do you suggest I do going forward.
  3. Angus2914

    Hen and chicks

    I have a hen that has several baby chicks that have hatched out under her, my question, should I after three weeks take them from the pen and let her out to fend for themselves, I would hate for anything to happen to them, but I think its time, but she cannot get them off the ground out of the pen.
  4. Angus2914

    Dogs killing my chickens

    I have just had the most disturbing and disheartening occurrence take place. Neighboring dog came into my property and killed 18 of my chickens. I do have trail cameras up, so I do know the dogs and who they belong to. The problem that I have is that the owners of these dogs, say that they are...
  5. Angus2914

    Removing chicks from the Mother hen

    My question is, should I remove the baby chicks from the hen after they are hatched? Some have said to do this, but I have also seen baby chicks raised by the hen. The only problem I am concerned about is it is early March and will they be warm enough for them to survive if we have these cool...
  6. Angus2914

    Ohio swaps

    Has anyone been to the Lucasville Ohio swaps and flea market. am wanting some chickens and they say this would be the place to visit this april. If you have been to Lucasville, what is this place like.
  7. Angus2914

    Styrofoam Incubators

    I have a couple of the Styrofoam incubators, have been doing very well for a new comer, but what does the humidity play in the hatching process, what is the min and max needed to have the highest possible hatch. Also, has anyone had any success aiding in the hatching of a chick when they do not...
  8. Angus2914

    Guinea gender identification

    I have heard many things on how to determine the sex of guineas. How do I visually tell which is the male, and which is the female? What is the crown on the top of their heads? Is this of importance when sexing these birds?
  9. Angus2914

    Eggs for Incubation

    Its February here in KY, I have started selecting eggs for the hatch, incubator. My question, what affect does the weather have on the eggs if they have been in the cold prior to gathering of the eggs. They haven't frozen, but some days have been very cold. It just seems that the eggs that were...
  10. Angus2914

    Roosters and egg consumption

    Getting back into the chicken business and I am not sure of what to look for in order to have my hens began sitting on her eggs. It February I Ky and the weather is up and down, but I am getting 12-14 eggs a day, what can I do to encourage them to sit? I keep some of the eggs for consumption...
  11. Angus2914

    Sick or ailing Guinea

    Need help once again. Last evening I noticed one of my Guineas was not with the group of other Guineas. He or she seemed very sluggish and submissive, they were fighting it, and it would just hunker down to be left alone. I got my net and caught it to look it over good, there were no obvious...
  12. Angus2914

    Egg gathering

    Hello, My question is, how long can I hold onto my eggs before placing them in the incubator, I like putting them in twelve at a time, usually after three days I have enough, they are left at room temperature, dated, and placed in to incubate, just wanting to know if there was any harm in...
  13. Angus2914

    Egg Incubation Failures

    Hello to all of the experts on incubating eggs. I am failing terribly it seems by the results. I need to know what I may be doing that is causing so many of my eggs not to hatch. I first thought it was my humidity too low, and still I am getting no good results, only two hatched from eighteen...
  14. Angus2914


    Need help, I recently had one of my Guineas attacked and I don't know for sure by what, it had severe superficial damage to its back area, nothing to its head or neck, I just recently had a visit from a hawk, but not sure as to what could have done this, I thought if it was a dog, fox, or coyote...
  15. Angus2914

    Nutrition going into the fall and winter months

    Hello, would like some ideas on the nutrition required for my chickens going into the fall and winter months. They are in very good shape, what vitamins could be added to the diet to help with their overall condition, thanks.
  16. Angus2914

    Chicken has broken beak

    Need some help and information, I have noticed that I have two young chickens that are missing a portion of their upper beak, they seem to be eating and drinking, but is there something I can do to help them, and will they be okay in this condition over a period of time. Certainly do not want...
  17. Angus2914

    Hatching time

    Have been getting a charge out of the latest arrivals. I don't know how successful it could be considered to have four new chicks from a couple dozen of eggs, but it was the first time. I would like to know from anyone how long past 21 days should I keep the eggs expecting more to hatch? I would...
  18. Angus2914

    Coop Design

    Can anyone tell me if there are any plans to be found that I can use to build a Tractor or coop? I was not wanting to buuy any plans if I can help it, I was told easy to follow and build plans are out there, thanks.
  19. Angus2914

    Incubating key points

    Could use all the help I can get, first time attempting to incubate eggs, seems exciting to me, but I don't want to lose the chicks from something I have done wrong. Got the incubator from TSC that has the turner for the eggs. I also have an additional thermometer to recheck the temp, any help...
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