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  • Users: dawny2u2
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  1. dawny2u2

    Cuckoo Maran with spurs

    This may sound naive. I have I thought 3 hen - cuckoo marans. They are 2 years old. There have been days where I get 3 dark brown eggs. So imagine my surprise today when I saw spurs My goodness - there isn't anything else about this chicken that looks like a rooster? So wierd!!!
  2. dawny2u2

    Natural death in hen

    I just had a hen die, I think of old age but her neck was limp, so limp it seemed broken. Is this a natural state? I found her laying face down in the nest box. Nothing else looked suspicious. I did have a hen die a couple years ago, don't remember the neck being so limp. Just curious...
  3. dawny2u2

    How long will she sit on Plastic Egg?

    I have a Speckled Sussex who has been sitting on her nest over 2 months. Hatching a plastic egg. So far nothing has happened, but she doesnt't seem to be giving up hope. I take her out every night after the others go in, she eats, poops, drinks a little water and runs right back in. The...
  4. dawny2u2

    How to Catch the Egg Eater(s)

    Okay, I have HAD it! Coming home to 4 -6 eggs from 19 previously productive hens, finding gooey yolk over the few eggs remaining is getting old. I am home two days and those days I get more eggs, so now I have to catch them. Caught one with eggshell on her beak, shes gone. But there must be...
  5. dawny2u2

    Balding Butt picked Bloody on TWO HENS? Mites? Help? (PICS ADDED)

    This hen has been losing feathers on her rump, so have a couple others. I have been treating it with blukote, thinking they were picking on each other, the winter months, cooped up, rooster damage, etc. Just recently I have begun to think it may be mites or something, so I changed the...
  6. dawny2u2

    2 non related deaths?

    I was on here last week, had a dying brown leghorn. Thanks to a nice forum member, I kind of came to the conclusion, that it was probably just low bird, who was weak, she had weight loss, and was acting meek. Now 1 week later I had another one die, seems different. I didn't notice anything...
  7. dawny2u2

    Brown Leghorn Weak, Droopy Comb...and died next day

    When I went into the coop, I found the chickens stomping on this little hen, who was lying on her side. She wasn't dead, but I am not sure what to do. She has been sitting on the roost when I come home from work, and when the other chickens roost, she comes down to eat, I figured she was...
  8. dawny2u2

    Thats an ugly egg (picture) formerly "Thin Shelled Egg"

    I am getting fairly good egg production, but I have one hen (I think it is the same one, color the same, size the same) who lays an extremely thin shelled egg. It often has streaks of blood, and sometimes little crusty spots that makes you think you can scratch them off. But if I do, or clean...
  9. dawny2u2

    Peace in the Coop with Roosters

    So far, I have killed two roosters. The first, because he was beating on the hens, they were scared to death of him. And now, the other, because he almost killed the other rooster, who I have had much longer. He was a good rooster, overzealous though, the hens liked him (though they were all...
  10. dawny2u2

    Cochin Banty Roo in fight-Should I snip off dangling wattle?

    I read Hennypens topic, rooster fight , and that is what I think happened, I was not home. Here are some pics when I got home, Little Dick (who was the top rooster) had this black goopy comb, I guess I should clean it off and put neosporin on it ( I do not have somewhere to keep him in the...
  11. dawny2u2

    Necessary to Candle Eggs?

    I have been selling my eggs locally, and someone didn't want to buy them, because I told them I don't candle them. I pick up my eggs twice a day, I thought candling was needed if you let em sit, and there is a possibility of a chick inside. What's the norm on this? For a dollar a dozen, I...
  12. dawny2u2

    Nest Box Messed up and Disorderly

    I posted a few days ago about finding shell pieces after a vacation. I have been home for 5 days, and all has been well in the coop. I went back to work today, so the chickens were home without adult supervision (me collecting eggs every 2 hours) and.... When I got home there were 2 (out of...
  13. dawny2u2

    Moving questions to new category

    How does one move their topic? I have often seen recommendations... This should be in another topic category, and I recently decided to relist my question in another category, because I wasn't getting any answers, and I could not delete it from the original listing. So I was bad, and I admit...
  14. dawny2u2

    Help for Cuckoo Maran

    I returned from a 10 day vacation, and found one of my girls plucked above the rump Does anyone know is this something she may be doing to herself. She is the only one like that I see. Is there anything I should do? She wasn't low in the pecking order when I left. Is there a disease that...
  15. dawny2u2

    Getting picked on? (Picture)

    I returned from a 10 day vacation, and found one of my girls plucked above the rump Does anyone know is this something she may be doing to herself. She is the only one like that I see. Is there anything I should do? She wasn't low in the pecking order when I left. Is there a disease that...
  16. dawny2u2

    What does feather eating mean? (I'm sure its not good)

    Okay, its winter, but they are getting out a bit, they're in an old 20x30, 2 room cabin ....25 chickens... (Not too crowded, I don't think) All of a sudden I see a bunch of feathers, and a hen gobbling them down. I've been working in the coop on and off all day, and again about an hour later...
  17. dawny2u2

    Alfalfa Pellets?

    A friend gave me some alfalfa pellets, from a rabbit who died. Before I feed them to the flock, thought I would check and see if they are okay?
  18. dawny2u2

    Treatment following Ripped off Toenail.....

    Subzero temps are here, and the girls are cooped up. Saw blood all over, and found the hen who was bleeding. I brought her in, and discovered she had a toenail missing, and that was where the blood was coming from. All I had right now is Hydrogen Peroxide (I have read NO neosporin) so I...
  19. dawny2u2


    I am guessing she is molting, but I have only had one other hen molt and she did not look like this.. .
  20. dawny2u2

    Layers Come to Screeching Halt!

    I searched and searched the past topics, and am sure this topic has been covered many times, but here goes.... My 7 laying hens (in the past I would get 5-6 eggs a day from) have practically stopped laying. I believe 2 may have stopped laying entirely, due to age, but the other 5? I am...
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