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  1. TwinsLoveChicks

    Heatstroke/Broken Neck?!? Old Rooster

    Tonight when I went to lock up my chickens, my old rooster was lying on the ground instead of in his coop, and when I checked on him I discovered that he was very much out of it and although breathing, couldn’t really move besides twitching, rolling his head around, or moving his legs a little...
  2. TwinsLoveChicks

    Old, Handicapped Hen Getting Bullied

    My hen is 7-8 years old, blind in one eye, and missing the top mandible of her beak, so her coordination isn’t great and she’s a little fragile :) Here’s a picture of her. She is one of the original 5 chickens that I got to start my flock, and she has always been high on the pecking order...
  3. TwinsLoveChicks

    Breed of New Bantam Chicks?

    I just picked up 4 bantam chicks from Tractor Supply, and I was wondering what breeds they are. They came out of an assorted straight-run bantam bin, and I believe that they are assorted OEGBs, but I’m not sure. I couldn't find anything on the website, so I thought I’d ask you guys. Let me...
  4. TwinsLoveChicks

    Hen's Face/Eye is Swollen Up!!! Help!!!

    When I came outside to let my chickens out this morning, my favorite hen's eye was swollen. She was acting normal, eating and drinking and running around. What does everyone think it is? Any ideas? Also, she was attacked by dogs last July, so the top of her beak is gone, although it's healed...
  5. TwinsLoveChicks

    Best Raccoon-Proof Locks and Latches?

    I am building a new coop and would love to know what the best raccoon/predator proof locks and latches are. Thank you in advance! :)
  6. TwinsLoveChicks

    6 Year Old Hen with Ascites and Winter?

    I have a 6 year old RIR hen who has had Ascites for about 2.5-3 years now. I have never drained her. She had finished laying about the same time the Ascites started, which is why I think she has lived so long. She is still the top hen on the pecking order, but recently I've noticed that her...
  7. TwinsLoveChicks

    Post Pictures of Your Hoop Coops!

    I'm thinking of building a hoop coop for my chickens and would love to see everyone else's hoop coops for ideas! Please post a pic, vote, and say what your favorite thing about your hoop coop is. Thank you! :)
  8. TwinsLoveChicks

    Most Popular Breed of Bantam?

    Please vote on your favorite breed of bantam! Please also feel free to tell why as well. Thanks! :)
  9. TwinsLoveChicks

    Chicken Stuck Under House for 6 Days!

    6 days ago I couldn't find my hen, Hummingbird. After searching everywhere, I found feathers, and assumed that she had been taken by a fox. Then today as I was about to leave on an errand, I looked over and saw her pacing back and forth under the house! I separated her from the flock in a small...
  10. TwinsLoveChicks

    Best Hatchery for Bantams?

    What is the best hatchery for bantams? I left out Murray McMurray in the poll because their minimum chick order is 15, and I wouldn't be ordering that many. Thank you! -TwinsLoveChicks :)
  11. TwinsLoveChicks

    Emergency! Young Pullet In Shock After Being Played With By Dog! Please Help!

    When I went out to lock up my chickens, I discovered that one of my young pullets, Nala, was missing. I immediately thought of my dog Pete, who I've had trouble with before. Sure enough, I was right. He dropped her when I ran over to him, and to my relief she was alive. I brought her inside and...
  12. TwinsLoveChicks

    7 Week Old Mixed Breeds-Girls or Boys?

    I have five 7 week old babies and I'm not sure about gender. I think that most of them are girls, but I wanted to check with the experts! :) #1 I'm thinking girl on this one. #2 Girl? #3 Girl? #4 I'm thinking boy? #5 Not sure about this one. Please let me know if you need better pics of...
  13. TwinsLoveChicks

    Hen Brutally attacked by Dog!!! Emergency!!!

    Last night my hen, Hummingbird, was attacked by a dog, and she has wounds all over her. She has been my friendliest and favorite chicken since I started my flock, and I really don't want to lose her. I'll be glad to answer any questions about her injury, and please don't hesitate to post...
  14. TwinsLoveChicks

    Bumblefoot in Rooster? Please Help!

    Please answer soon! He's a really sweet little rooster and I'd hate to lose him! Thanks in advance! 1) What type of bird, age and weight (does the chicken seem or feel lighter or thinner than the others.) He's a mixed breed, about 1 1/2 years old, and he is a little thinner than the other...
  15. TwinsLoveChicks

    Brand New Baby Chick With Intestines Sticking Out! Emergency!!!

    I found a newly hatched chick with his intestines sticking out. He also has blood on him because it looks like he fell out of his mothers box shortly after hatching and got attacked by some of the other chickens. I have heard about this intestine thing happening before, but I don't know what...
  16. TwinsLoveChicks

    Emergency!! Rooster Was Attacked!! Help!!

    My rooster was attacked this morning by another rooster. He is paralyzed in his left leg, so I had him in a separate coop. He somehow managed to escape last night and the other rooster had gotten him pretty bad before I noticed what was going on. There's blood all over his face, but it doesn't...
  17. TwinsLoveChicks

    Help! Sick Rooster is Breathing Oddly and Heavily!

    Tonight when I went out to lock up my chickens I heard a noise like raspy breath in the bushes, and when I went over to see what was going on, I found one of my roosters sitting in the bushes, breathing oddly and heavily. I brought him inside, but I'm afraid to make him drink any water for fear...
  18. TwinsLoveChicks

    Older Hen Is Extremely Weak and Walking Strangely! Help!

    Lily is a Black Austrolorp who is about 9yrs old. In the last week or so, she's started walking funny, almost waddling, and she's been acting way slower than usual, but she hasn't lost any weight. This morning she was worse, and although I have a heat lamp in my coop due to the recent cold, I...
  19. TwinsLoveChicks

    What Do You Use For Mites/Lice?

    I am running this poll to find out what the best and most widely used treatment/prevention of lice/mites is. Please vote and then add what you answered in the comments, and feel free to let me now if I've missed anything. Thanks! -TwinsLoveChicks Edited to add... Carbaryl is no longer one of...
  20. TwinsLoveChicks

    Help! Lethargic Seabright! Emergency!

    I have a sick seabright hen that I found when I went out to lock up for the night. She's been eating and drinking all today and breathing fine, but now she's breathing heavily, and she's pretty lethargic. I have her under a heat lamp with food and water, but I'm not sure what else I can do...
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