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  • Users: sdaikus
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  1. sdaikus

    New surrogate mom.. need advice

    Hello everyone! So I have a silkie who has been broody for a while now. I tried a frozen water bottle, picking her up out of the box frequently and putting her in a wire cage, elevated for days! She always goes back to the nesting box. I tried taking eggs away right away and she will still sit...
  2. sdaikus

    Very weird poop..

    I am 95% sure this came from 2 yr old leghorn .. she is acting perfect, eating and drinking and even layed an egg this morning. Any thoughts?? Thanks everyone!
  3. sdaikus

    Hard egg shaped crop?

    My little silkie -who is new to laying and lays every few days or so .. she has been in the nesting box for 3 days now with no egg. She comes out a couple times, but seems very uncomfortable. I picked her up and I think I can feel an egg, but it’s where her crop is? If you pull her out of the...
  4. sdaikus

    Hen acting weird after first egg

    I can find a lot about behavior before their first egg, but I have a 25 week old silkied serama who layed her first tiny egg yesterday. She sat on the egg a while, but came off easily when I offered her watermelon! Today she did not lay and egg and seems tired. She was walking around today...
  5. sdaikus

    Bumble foot...

    One of chickens has bumble foot .. One foot is definite, the other looks like a very early start! I soaked her feet in warm water and Epsom salt. The very early foot hardly had a scab on it and came right off.. I covered it with Epsom salt poultice and wrapped her with surgical tape. The other...
  6. sdaikus

    Youngest cold weather chicks

    I have two new silkie bantams that I received from a lady who had to thin her flock. They are about 10 weeks now. I hate to be the early bird (no pun intended) but winter will be here before I know it. It starts to get below 65 at night here in less then a month, if not sooner. Then the weather...
  7. sdaikus

    Any thoughts welcome..

    Ok.. Sorry this is my third post, but no one is responding! (Probably bc they are at a loss, as am I) I have a 30 week old ameraucana chicken. About 4 days ago I noticed she was less energetic and not eating. She was pecking at the air like she was blind or couldn't bend her neck. I left her...
  8. sdaikus

    I have no idea..

    So here's the story..I noticed a few weeks ago one of my girls had diarrhea. I figured out it was due to some over loving from my father in law.. He gives them all the left over greens from the garden.. I saw it was getting stuck to her feathers, but I assumed she would shed feathers and that...
  9. sdaikus

    Limping chicken

    Hello! One of my chickens has been limping for about a week now. She is completely fine otherwise. There is nothing visible wrong with her foot or leg. She will let me touch it, move it, push on it. Any suggestions? Thanks everyone! Hope you're all enjoying your weekend!
  10. sdaikus

    A fox killed my chickens

    So I'm crying as I type this, but a fox (so my neighbor says) killed 7 chickens and a rooster today while I was at work. I have one chicken left My questions is.. For some amazing reason if any of them got away and ran and hid.. Would they return back home at night like normal? Or are they too...
  11. sdaikus

    Easter egger rooster in CT

    Hello All, I have a very good boy who needs to go to a new home. He is a Easter egger (was sold as a araucana, but he is not) He is now 10 weeks old.
  12. sdaikus

    spaghetti squash seeds?

    just wanted to get everyones thoughts.. i have (almost) 6 week old chicks.. can they have spaghetti squash seeds yet? as well as the COOKED center that i pulled out with the seeds.. thanks for your help!
  13. sdaikus

    Is he really an araucana?

    I'm almost positive this guy is a roo, but now I'm questioning his breed. As I read about Aracaunas it seems more often than not they are actually Easter eggers or ameraucanas. any ideas? THANKS! :D
  14. sdaikus

    Still sick..

    Sorry for the new post but I'm nervous. I already lost one of my babies a month ago. My 5 week old Rhode Island Red is lethargic and puffy. I started corid 4 days ago. I am syringe feeding her water. She is very sleepy in the am and pm but during the day she perks up at times and eats a small...
  15. sdaikus

    Bully chick maybe a rooster?

    What's your guess? She's very bossy, kinda mean and flys around a lot! I'm hoping she's just a dominant female, but I don't think so.. I'm curious to see what you all think
  16. sdaikus

    Grit question

    My little ones are 5 weeks now. I think I'm actually a little late on giving them treats it seems I bought them dried mealworms that I'm going to just scatter lightly in their bedding. I've researched about grit and I can't seem to find a clear answer.. It seems like more of a prefrence, but...
  17. sdaikus

    a chick with Coccidiosis?

    HEY EVERYONE! My little ones are now 5 weeks now! They are growing quickly.. it's amazing. One of my Rhode Island Red's seemed extra sleepy yesterday, but still eating and drinking so I left her alone. This morning she was the same.. all puffed out and huddled in the corner. I didn't see her...
  18. sdaikus

    Brooder bedding

    Does anyone know of a reason why not to use this? It seems like it's just shredded paper.. No chemicals and it says 99% dust free. The chickies are about 11-12 days now.. Thanks for the help as always!
  19. sdaikus

    Natural light in the brooder..

    The chicks are in the basement in a brooder my husband built. It's quite large so for now they are sectioned off so they stay warm. The problem is the basement has no windows where they are and they aren't getting any natural light! Is this a problem? If so how do I fix it without having to take...
  20. sdaikus

    New obsessive chick mommy!!

    Hello everyone! My name is Samantha. I'm 28 and live in Connecticut with my husband John. The office I was working at recently closed (this was a good thing!) so I took the time to go back to school and more importantly GET CHICKENS! We started with 10.. 3 Rhode Island Reds, 3 Aracaunas, 2...
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