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  1. motherhen11

    Fan in coop for circulation of air

    Hi all. What type of fan do you use in your coop for better air circulation. We had a regular house fan that we put in our coop. It is now not working. Do any of you have fans in your coop if so what type: more geared for outdoors poultry type fan? Household fans. We are looking for one that...
  2. motherhen11

    Why would my Rhode Island red be so small still

    All, Does anyone know why my Rhode Island who is 9 months old would still be so small? I am including pictures.
  3. motherhen11

    Sex of EE and french cuckoo marans

    Hello all, I have the following two chicks and was wondering if someone could help or confirm the sex of the White EE and the french cuckoo marans. They are about 24 - 30 weeks old. Do they look that age? and do they look like a hen or a roo. No crowing and no eggs so far. I know I can have a...
  4. motherhen11

    What hen did this egg come out of:

    Hello all, I'm not sure which of my other hens laid a new egg today? I have a barred rock silky-mix that lays a tan colored egg, and a Orpington mix that lays a lil' larger tan egg than the other. I know it wasn't either of their eggs. None of our other hens had been laying. Today, I found a...
  5. motherhen11

    Respitory issue on a new to my flock 6-7 month Hen :

    Hello...How long do you treat w\Poly Vi sol vitamin?. My girl had a respitory problem, I believe. She was making noise and keeping her mouth open. I gave her the Polyvisol and she was better in just moments, seemed all better by the next day...eating and drinking w\no problem. That was 3 days...
  6. motherhen11

    Barred rock didn't make it:

    My favorite pullet- barred rock didnt make it. She had been opening and closing her mouth for days. Not knowing what was wrong i looked up as much as i could. Then i thought back someone at a pet store telling me that I could use foodgrade DE- 'Sprinkle in the pen, on the chickens and could put...
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