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  1. Maggies Pop

    Introducing new ducks to existing flock

    We have an opportunity to bring on 5 new Pekin ducks into our existing flock of 5 ducks/2 drakes. Our current ducks are Ancona and Khaki Campbell. They are about 16 wks old. Super sweet. My question is, are ducks accepting of new "family" members or do they tend to be like chickens and get...
  2. Maggies Pop

    Emergency-Need help

    We have a 6 wk Ancona duck. Something got to her through their cage last night. One of her wings was chewed off and the muscle in the opposite leg has been ripped. She seems in good spirits. We brought her in and cleaned her off in the tub. Any suggestions on what we should do? We just got...
  3. Maggies Pop

    Anconas and Khaki Campbells--question

    Hi folks! We are new to ducks and are going to pick up our firsts tomorrow. We have an opportunity to buy both Anconas and Khaki's. My question is....can they be housed together? I'm concerned about cross-breeding. Considering the difference in size is this a concern or will they not mate...
  4. Maggies Pop

    Our new school yard chicks!

    We just went and picked up our new addition to our school yard! I am so excited about this program....the kids are too! I have them in the brooder at my house and tomorrow morning I will set them up in class. We got two Buckeye's, 2 Polish and 2 EE's. The EE's are about 3 wks old and the...
  5. Maggies Pop

    2 roos, what to do?

    So, it looks like Ellen DeHENeres and Cocobelle are both roosters . Ellen is a beautiful Ameracana about 20 wks and a crowing fool and Cocobelle is a huge Barred Rock about 16 wks. They have grown up together, in the brooder and in the yard together. So far we have had no issues with them...
  6. Maggies Pop

    Chickens at school (UPDATE pg 2)

    Hi folks! Our School Director and I were chatting and we thought it might be kind of neat to have a couple (2-3) chickens in a small coop at our school. We are establishing a nice little garden there and thought it would be a good addition. We are a charter school, which means we are a...
  7. Maggies Pop

    Egg question....

    ....not sure if this is the right place or not. A couple of hens finally started laying a few weeks ago. I got the brilliant idea to hard boil a few to make an egg sandwich. The only problem is trying to peel the darn things. Taking off the shell makes half the white of the egg off with it...
  8. Maggies Pop

    We just needed dog food.

    2 Golded Laced Wynadottes and 2 Delawares and here they are getting aquainted with our 3 week old BO's My husband and I have absolutely NO self-control skills. We went in for dog food. We walked out with 4 chicks. I think we need to on that show "Hoarders". We are seriously addicted!
  9. Maggies Pop

    One of my EE's started laying yesterday......

    We have 6 girls, 2 EE's, 2 RIR and 2 BR's that are of "laying age". 4 are now laying. We have been anxioius and excited about our EE's laying so we could get a blue or green egg. Waiting patiently. One started to lay yesterday and what did she give us? Another BROWN egg! LOL We are hoping...
  10. Maggies Pop


    Really dumb question, but gotta ask. Raisins. Do you give them whole or do you cut them up? I told you! Silly question. I'm a paranoid mama. Don't wanna do mouth to beak on any of my girls
  11. Maggies Pop

    The new and improved brooder.....

    A couple of weeks ago I posted a question about how to clean an old Igauna hutch that we had been given. I got lots of good advice and wanted to share now that it is done Here is before, pretty grimey....... And here is the After. It was cleaned out, washed with bleach/water, painted with...
  12. Maggies Pop

    Chickie Behavior Question

    My 3 chickies are now 1 week old. Suppose to be all pullets. Got them from our local feed store. The hatchery they got them from say there is a 90% accuracy that they are pullets. Anyway......last night I was holding one of them and it kept stretching its neck and opening its mouth like it...
  13. Maggies Pop

    How would you clean this?

    Our neighbor gave us his iguana hutch. It's dirty though. We are wanting to clean the inside, thought about bleach/water or vinegar/water. Not sure what the best way to clean it would be. We have 3 day olds that we plan on putting in here once it's clean, safe and ready to go. The hutch is...
  14. Maggies Pop

    Look what I got for Valentines Day :)

    We got 3 1 day old Buff Orpingtons yesterday. They are so, so cute! Mrs. Pteranodon Gloria Not yet named....although my daughter has been calling her Sunshine
  15. Maggies Pop

    2 day old chick-pooper problem-quick please?

    I have two chicks that have dried poop on them. I was able to take a damp cloth and remove enough from one so she could go. As soon as it got cleaned she rewarded me with a nice surprise all down my shirt. The second one has a lot dried on her. Im afraid to tug at it and hurt her skin, but...
  16. Maggies Pop

    Pictures of Ellen, again. Boy or Girl?

    So Ellen DeHeneres is a few weeks older now. A little over 7 weeks. Since about wk 2 for some reason my husband and I have been thinking "she" is a "he". And we are really, really sad that it might be the case. Can anyone help me out here and give me any idea if our suspicions are true? She...
  17. Maggies Pop

    The Maiden Voyage

    Our 6 chickies took up residence in our master bathroom when we brought them home at 1 day old. They are now 7 weeks old....time flies! Last week my husband finished our coop and they have been sleeping in their new digs since. They couldn't be happier. My favorite part of the day? When I...
  18. Maggies Pop

    What to feed?

    Our chickies are 4wks 3 days old. THey have been on chick starter since day one. How long do we feed starter and when do we start changing their diet. I have to admit they have had some greens from the garden and little bit of yogurt. They did great, but I don't want to give them things they...
  19. Maggies Pop

    At what age

    can you tell if you have a rooster or a hen? We are new to chickens Our 6 sweeties turned 4 weeks old yesterday. We have 2 RIR, 2 Barred Rocks and 2 Americauna. They are all roughly the same size except for one of the Americauna. I know its too early to tell at this point, but about when...
  20. Maggies Pop

    Howdy! From Kelseyville CA!

    Hi there! My name is Bobbi, my husband is Chris. We just got our new baby chicks today. These are our first! We are so excited. Also excited about finding this website the other day! We are now the proud parents to 2 RIR, 2 Ameraucana (is there an abbreviation for these?) and 2 Barred Rock...
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