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  1. interlaaken

    Chickens laying in the run

    My chickens have made a common nest from straw in the chicken run and about half of the twelve hens are laying their eggs there. I am wondering if they resent my taking their eggs. I put a dozen weighted easter eggs in their nesting boxes with differing amounts in each box so they will still...
  2. interlaaken

    Free ranging chickens - what chemicals can I use on my lawn for moss?

    Is there anything "chicken safe" that I can us on my lawn to control moss?
  3. interlaaken

    Clucking in the rain.......

    Do you let your chickens free range in the rain. I am in Washington. The weather is in the low to mid 40's now. The chickens really like to get out into the yard when I let them. I hesitate to let them out of the run in the rain since they don't seem smart enough to keep themselves dry. Does it...
  4. interlaaken

    Planting a garden in chicken land.

    I have chickens for the first time. I want to plant a vegetable garden in my backyard which is shared by my free ranging chickens. Gardeners - what are you doing to co-mingle chickens and gardening?
  5. interlaaken

    Do all roosters crow?

    I adopted a rogue chicken that was hanging out in a friend's yard. It looks like the 2 standard barred that I have in my flock. It does not crow but it seems quite large and it's comb is bright red. It's comb seems a little large for a hen and small for a rooster. It does not crow but is...
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