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  • Users: 1ADAM12
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  1. 1ADAM12

    Temp and humidity

    Can anyone recommend a good thermometer and hygrometer all in one that I can put into my incubator? I have a brinsea but there is no hygrometer with it and I am pretty sure the temp is off on it. My eggs always seem to hatch 2 or three days early.
  2. 1ADAM12

    Last egg

    so this is the last egg to hatch. This has been going on for about 12 hours. Every time the chick tries to break out it can’t. When should I start being concerned?
  3. 1ADAM12

    High temp alarm on my Brinsea Maxi II.

    Does anyone know why the high temp alarm keeps going off? My internal temp is 99.5 according to a internal therm I put In the incubator. All my high temp and low temp alarms are set to the default. code is -RM it goes off every 30 min and I just put the eggs in yesterday.
  4. 1ADAM12

    Easter Eggers

    I just put 8 Ameraucana eggs in the incubator. The roosters 3 of them are Easter Eggers that just hit maturity. I have seen them in the yard doing their business with the girls. What are the chances these eggs will be fertile? The roosters were hatched Feb 2 of this year. The Ameracana hens are...
  5. 1ADAM12

    What is a resonable price for processing?

    So if I don't want to do the processing myself what is a reasonable rate for someone else to do the processing? I have found 2 local places that charge around $3.50/bird. Is that about the going rate? Thanks, Adam
  6. 1ADAM12

    Rooster or Hen

    So i have a series of photos to share. We hatched our own eggs 5 polish that we got from a friend. Two Black Australorpe Sussex mix, and two Americauna Sussex mix. Pretty sure I know the roosters but curious as to what you all think? Roosters free to good home if anyone is interested lol I live...
  7. 1ADAM12

    Crackling bowel sounds!

    Has anyone had a chick with a bowel sound that sounds like pop rocks? She/he seems healthy but you can hear the digestion process. Not sure what it is! Anybody have an idea? She/he seems to be growing like the rest. They are a week old as we hatched them ourselves.
  8. 1ADAM12

    Angel wing chick????

    Do the experts know if this is angel wing? This is an Easter egger and he/she will be a week old in a few days. Or do you think the wing is just to heavy for her to lift since she is so young and getting her feathers so soon?
  9. 1ADAM12

    How long to incubate?????

    Out of 12 eggs I have hatched 9 healthy babies between Friday and this morning. I have three left that are showing no signs of life. How many days longer should I leave them in Bator before I say they are not going to hatch? Thanks, Adam
  10. 1ADAM12

    Almost day 0

    Tomorrow night is day 0. I can hear some chicks chirping. Once they hatch how long should I let them dry before I put in brooder? First time hatching
  11. 1ADAM12

    8 days left

    Is this normal with 8 days left? Hatch should be next Saturday. Not much movement but you can still see veins. Hope all is ok. This our first time hatching.
  12. 1ADAM12

    First hatching

    this is my first time hatching eggs and so far so good. We candles last night after only 4 days and 12/14 show signs of life. I will give it to day ten before we decide what is viable or not.
  13. 1ADAM12

    Smashing Eggs

    Ths is very odd to me. Almost like twice a month an Americauna Egg is smashed. Not pecked or eaten but anialated lol. I have black australorp and speckled Sussex. It’s only the green eggs lol. Any ideas as to why????
  14. 1ADAM12

    Brinsea MaxiII advance RH issues!

    i can’t get the humidity above 40%. Eggs have only been In one day. Any suggestions? Water reservoir is filled and temp is 99.5F
  15. 1ADAM12

    Dirty eggs

    lately when I go out to get eggs they are very dirty (poop covered). I bring them in wipe off with a damp paper towel and get what I can off. Can you still use these eggs to hatch or not recommended? Also, I have 2 doz eggs in cartons at room temp with the fat parts up. The eggs are week to a...
  16. 1ADAM12

    Speckled Sussex Roo

    ok. So we have had some pretty cold temps recently. Lowest that I know of wasnlike -10f and highs like 10. Well my roo has a frost bit comb. By the looks will he lose it? Anything I can do to prevent it? I put Vaseline on him before temp plunged. Didn’t help lol.
  17. 1ADAM12

    Brinsea Mini Advance Incubator

    I have never hatched my own eggs before but I want an incubator that does it all for me. Is this worth spending 200 dollars on? I only have 10 hens and a roo so I only need to hatch like 6 eggs every couple years for our continued egg supply.
  18. 1ADAM12

    Dumb question hahaha

    So can you hatch a thawed egg? I have fertile eggs but by the time I get home from work sometimes the eggs are very cold. My daughter and I want to hatch some eggs but maybe we should wait until our weather gets above freezing? Experts please advise
  19. 1ADAM12

    HELP! Respiratory Illness

    Hey everyone! I had to cull one of my hens last Saturday. She was wheezing and sneezing and the others were picking on her pretty violently. Well yesterday two more came down with the same sickness. A hen and a roo. From what I have read online people recommend to Cull your whole flock...
  20. 1ADAM12

    Another Welthy question????

    My drake has gotten a bit too frisky with the girls and has not torn both of their eyes open to the point of bleeding. I am not sure the one hen will get her vision back in the one eye. Is it time to get rid of the drake? He just seems to be too aggressive for the girls.
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