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  1. Madiha Farhan

    Baby chick with wry neck

    Hello all.. A baby chick hatched two weeks before with wry neck.. I gave Vitamin E drops two times a day but still he suffers a lot.. He can not run after his mama hen and brothers. just chirps alot.. I really feel sorry about him plz suggest me sth. will upload pics soon
  2. Madiha Farhan

    Poor baby chick cant stand on his feet..

    Hello all.. Its me from Pakistan after a long long time due to some serious issue.. A baby chick about five days old was fit and healthy before last night.. but yesterday I noticed he was unable to walk or even stand.. He is such a cute baby plz help me what to do..
  3. Madiha Farhan

    Mama Hen crushes her baby chicks accidently every night!

    Hello all its me after a long time but with a very sad case.. I hatched 7 chicks under mama hen.. All were safe first night under mama hen but the third morning I found 2 of them dead accidently crushed under mama hen. Again after few days I found one more baby crushed this morning.. It is so...
  4. Madiha Farhan

    Coccidiosis Prevention in baby chicks

    Hello all.. I've some baby chicks 2 weeks old, vaccinated them against ND. Cocciodiosis Vaccine not available nearby.. 2 of them have Cocciodiosis.. I see some blood in their droppings. What to do.. They are too cute and I really love them dont want to loose them at any cost.. plz suggest...
  5. Madiha Farhan

    JUst hatched chick's unabsorbed yolk sac

    Just hatched chick under mama hen with yolk sac. no idea at all what to do.. It chirps on every touch. Is there any procedure to do or let it rest and watch..
  6. Madiha Farhan

    Garlic for baby chicks

    Finally my cute lovely fluffy baby chicks hatched under mama hen.. I offer them hard boiled egg mixed with their feed.. I wonder when to add minced garlic in their drinking water? They are 3 days old..
  7. Madiha Farhan

    garlic for baby chicks

    Finally my cute lovely fluffy baby chicks hatched under mama hen.. I offer them hard boiled egg mixed with their feed.. I wonder when to add minced garlic in their drinking water? They are 3 days old.
  8. Madiha Farhan

    chicks home-made feed

    Hello all.. little cutie chicks are about to come.. cant wait.. just 6 days away.. on 21st Sept.. But here no chicks feed available.. Want to make chicks feed at home.. I have Its recipe just want to share it with u If anything is missing, guide me! 5 cups organic Hull-less oats 5 cups organic...
  9. Madiha Farhan

    Parrots eye infection

    Have a parrot with eye infection. Eye closed totally plus water gushing out very much. Any treatment would really be appreciated.
  10. Madiha Farhan

    chicks accute eye infection

    Hello all.. Its my third time I am posting same chicks eye problem.. Still not satisfied from any answer. First it was After Treatment of Baytril and Antibiotic Eye Ointment it changed into...
  11. Madiha Farhan

    Severe ND case

    Have a hen of 6 months old with ND signs, gasping for air, strange sounds while breathing.. ND vaccine already done.. given doses of oxytetracyclin but no improvement and no vet nearby..
  12. Madiha Farhan

    Broody hen forgets her nest box

    Hello all.. I have a broody hen, eggs under her warm feathers.. She just comes out of her nest box once or twice a day. But the issue is that she always forgets her nest box and sits on another empty one.. It'll definitely spoil all her own eggs.. If closing other nest boxes is the option, where...
  13. Madiha Farhan

    chicks eye problem

    Have a chick with infected eye. Tried Amoxillin but no recovery. What to do.
  14. Madiha Farhan

    problem in chick's eye!

    Hello all.. I am new member from Pakistan.. I love chickens.. Love to take care of them but cant solve problem of a chick who is 4 mopnths old.. yes u cant imagine.. It seems like poor chick is not growing.. He has an eye infection.. ave tried antibiotic drops.. treatment of amoxillin but no...
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