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  1. FuzzFaceFarm

    What killed my Black Jersey Giant Rooster?

    What killed my rooster? Tons of feathers in the run, some around the yard but he was found 20-30 feet up the hill out the door if the run. We aren't sure when it happened because we were out of town and my mother-in-law was taking care of them. My husband found him today when he went home but it...
  2. FuzzFaceFarm

    Black Australorp or Jersey Giant?

    Black Australorp or Jersey Giant? 22-23 weeks. Roo, right? Bought 2 Australorps & 4 Jersey Giants but can't tell them apart. I'm only sure one crows. He has such a grumpy face for being such a nice quiet giant guy.
  3. FuzzFaceFarm

    Black Australorp or Jersey Giant? 22-23 weeks.

    Black Australorp or Jersey Giant? 22-23 weeks. Roo, right? Bought 2 Australorps & 4 Jersey Giants but can't tell them apart. I'm only sure one crows. This one has some copper/red in his hackle feathers.
  4. FuzzFaceFarm

    Black Australorp or Jersey Giant?

    Black Australorp or Jersey Giant? 22-23 weeks. Hen or roo? Bought 2 Australorps & 4 Jersey Giants but can't tell them apart. I'm only sure one crows. This one has a different shaped comb than the other three.
  5. FuzzFaceFarm

    Black Australorp or Jersey Giant? 22-23 weeks.

    Black Australorp or Jersey Giant? 22-23 weeks. Hen or roo? Bought 2 Australorps & 4 Jersey Giants but can't tell them apart. I'm only sure one crows.
  6. FuzzFaceFarm

    HELP!!! What breed and gender of chickens are these....

    We got a mix of chickens and need help identifying them because some are so similar. Jersey Giants, Black Australorps, some tiny black chickens that can fly pretty well with white/blue earlobes, and we got surprised with a black silkie but we don't know if it's a hen or roo. They are all 22-23...
  7. FuzzFaceFarm

    Is this Gelly like stuff between the skin and meat normal???

    I do have a question about processing birds for you all. In between the skin and the meat there is this clear kind of gelatinous stuff that you can pull away. What is that? Is that like fascial or myofascial tissue or the birds water stores or something because it wasn't fat or anything like...
  8. FuzzFaceFarm

    HELP!!! Should I leave her alone or should I check to see if she's egg bound????

    I have 6 hens born at the same time and all laying age (they will be 24 weeks old on Sunday Feb 12th, 2017). 2 EE's that I don't think are ready to lay yet, 2 GLWs, and 2 Red Sex Links. Four of them have been showing me signs that they are getting ready to drop their first eggs: Crimson...
  9. FuzzFaceFarm

    A big HELLO from Florida...where the CHICKS are HOT all the time!!!! =D

    (1) Are you new to chickens / when did you first get chickens? I am not really NEW to chickens because I always took care of them on both my Grandparent's farm in New Jersey as well as on my Great Uncle's farm in Georgia all the time and my brother and I each had a pet chicken at...
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