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  • Users: angela27
  • Content: Threads
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  1. angela27

    Geese Nails

    Is it normal for geese to lose nails?? About a week ago I noticed the back bit on my goose’s foot had been bleeding and he’d lost the nail there. I stressed so bad about him getting it stuck somewhere and hurting himself! 🙁Today I noticed the back of his foot bleeding, this time the opposite...
  2. angela27

    Treating Coop for pests

    What is the safest and most effective way to treat a coop for pests, in particular stick fast fleas? I have dirt floors and wanna treat this, but scared of using something that might make the chickens sick if they injest it. During the day between 6am and 6pm they free range, so could...
  3. angela27

    Gosling with breathing difficulties

    I have a little gosling who has developed some difficulty breathing. She often makes a whistling sound as she breathes, and you can see the skin pulling in just below her neck every time she inhaled. She is breathing quite fast, open beaked. At times she’ll give her head a bit of a shake and...
  4. angela27

    Breathing difficulties

    I have a little gosling who has developed some difficulty breathing. She often makes a whistling sound as she breathes, and you can see the skin pulling in just below her neck every time she inhaled. She is breathing quite fast, open beaked. At times she’ll give her head a bit of a shake and...
  5. angela27

    Sleeping chickens outdoors

    Does anyone here allow their chickens to sleep outside in the open? I used to be pretty fussy about mine, but I have a few stubborn chooks that won’t sleep where I want them to sleep. One insists on being in a tree, and it’s too hard to get her down once she’s up. So I’ve started leaving the...
  6. angela27

    Chicken pecking away flesh at tail end, how can I make her stop?

    I have a chicken that has been pecking away the flesh on her tail end. I took her in a few months ago, along with another chicken she was living with, that would constantly peck at her. She was in poor condition at the time. I kept her seperate for a while but when I put her out with my other...
  7. angela27

    Lone egg about to hatch

    I have a hen who's eggs weren't due to hatch until the Wednesday/Thursday that's just past (she started sitting 19 January). Instead the eggs have been hatching, 1 or two a day since last Saturday (4 Feb) with the last one hatching on Tuesday (7 Feb). However she was still sitting on more eggs...
  8. angela27

    Two Sweet Hennies!

    Could not resist sharing... The little hen is one of my new bantams, Winnie. She's been here with us for only 2 weeks. The big hen is Penny. Penny has never been fond of my little hens and always chases them. Winnie, I've found, is quite the little snuggler. I went outside to check on them all...
  9. angela27

    Dealing with hot weather

    Just wondering what everyone does to help their chickens and ducks manage the hot weather on a day to day basis. It's been so hot lately and I really feel bad for them =( By day I usually have them shut inside their runs as I don't like them out when no one is home to keep an eye on them cause I...
  10. angela27

    What breed of duck are these?

    My sister got these ducks for my niece a few years back. I'm trying to work out what breed they are. I'm thinking maybe a khaki campbell? Or a cross? Interested to know what other people think
  11. angela27

    Chicken panting

    I've noticed my little hen seems to pant a lot, especially at night. When she does this she has her wings held out away from her body. I figured she must be hot, but not sure. The days have been fairly warm but the nights a lot cooler. I've been putting a fan on her too, but she still pants. She...
  12. angela27

    Chicken gasping

    I have a little Belgian bantam. In the last month or so, I have noticed occasional times where she seems to have difficulty breathing. I took her to the vet the first time, only to be told she was completely healthy and may have just had some food blocking her airway. But she's had other moments...
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