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  1. CoopintheWoods

    How long do I need to quarantine a new rooster?

    Hi all! :frow Within the next week or two, I will be getting a new rooster from a friend of mine. She had some extras, and my rooster is believed to have passed recently. The new roo is an EE, about 20 weeks old. All my other hens are adults. The rooster will not actually live with the hens, but...
  2. CoopintheWoods

    Injured hens "in shock" after weasel attack?

    Last night, some sort of animal, probably a weasel, attacked my coop of 4 hens last night. The hens were able to escape the coop, and one of them is fine. My rooster must have jumped into the fray, because he is missing, as is one of the hens. My real question concerns the two injured...
  3. CoopintheWoods

    Help for Lonely Injured Hen

    I have a very friendly, sweet Favorelle hen named Lucy who severely limps (permanently), and has no other issues that I know of. About a year ago, her limp worsened (before then it had been a minor thing that was only visible when she ran) and the other hens attacked her. After that, she was...
  4. CoopintheWoods

    Molting Question

    As the weather gets colder, my birds (and many others') have begun to molt. I was wondering, what is the reason that chickens molt in the fall? Wouldn't it make more sense for a chicken to be half bald in warmer weather?
  5. CoopintheWoods

    Is NPIP Certification needed to show in NY?

    I have been thinking about perhaps showing my chickens. In NY, do you need to be NPIP certified to show your birds? How do you become NPIP certified in NY, anyway?
  6. CoopintheWoods

    Thoughts on Giving a hen chicks to raise?

    Hopefully this is the right forum for this thread. I have been thinking about expanding my flock. I don't want to hatch, because I don't have room for many roosters. My current idea is to let my broody hen (an easter egger) sit on wooden eggs for 21 days, then giver her day-olds to raise. Any...
  7. CoopintheWoods

    Can you eat a Peahen's eggs?

    Is there anything about peacock eggs that makes them unsafe to eat? I may be looking into peacocks, and I would not hatch every egg they lay.
  8. CoopintheWoods

    Three Eggs in From One Hen, Two Rubbery, One Unusual

    One of my 5ish month old EE pullets (the one that is my avatar) started laying eggs maybe about two weeks ago. Today, I found a total of three eggs. I know it was not the eggs of other hens, because 1)She is quarantined due to an injury, and 2) She is the only one who lays green eggs. The first...
  9. CoopintheWoods

    Odd Growl-Like Sound

    My 5 month old australorp pullet recently began to make a low, prolonged sound (almost like a growl, but not aggressive). The pullet recently began to lay and lays almost daily. Any ideas on what it might be?
  10. CoopintheWoods

    Salt Cure for Cannibalism?

    I have been having an issue with one of my pullets picking feathers of the others, and this has resulted in two of them being injured. The chickens forage when it is warm enough, and are eating Nature's Best Organic Layer Feed, so I don't think a nutrition deficiency is the issue.I have...
  11. CoopintheWoods

    Unwelcome Hen in Nest Box

    Of my flock of 14 pullets, only on has started laying. We have thus far installed 2 of the 5 nest boxes. If a pullet who is not laying yet were to just hang out in the nest box, would the laying hen attack her? One of my non-laying pullets loves to sit around in the boxes (I chase her out when I...
  12. CoopintheWoods

    Partial Separation a Good Idea?

    I have an injured hen who needs to be separate from the flock, and I am thinking of housing her in a large dog crate in the coop. Will she feel lonely or left out when the others go outside and she does not? Would it be better for the crate to be in an unused bathroom in the house and me to keep...
  13. CoopintheWoods

    Separation from Flock?

    One of my hens has a small injury near her tail, and she must be separated from the flock. I normally house the injured chicken in a fairly large dog crate in an unused bathroom (I let the bird outside to exercise), but the only bird who was previously hurt never got lonely, because she was very...
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