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  1. 4 Georgia Hens

    Should I cull my sick chicken?

    For some background, around last winter, I noticed that one of my silkies (she was about a year old) had some bubbles in her eye, and her face was swollen. After some research, I concluded that she was suffering with Mycoplasma gallisepticum. After a little while, the bubbles disappeared and she...
  2. 4 Georgia Hens

    My chick’s wing is hurt! Bone exposed?? Please help!

    Hey y’all! So something just happened to one of my bantam Cochin chicks. My sister roughly pulled her through a gap in our fence, leaving her wing behind her. The wing is still attached but I’m really at a loss for what to do. From the looks of it, a big chunk of feathers have been pulled off of...
  3. 4 Georgia Hens

    Does my chick have coccidiosis?

    Hello everybody! I have a chick (it’s a couple weeks old) who I believe is very sick. I found it today hunched over, its eyes were closed, and its feathers were ruffled up. It was all by itself in a corner. I inspected it and it has no visible injuries or abnormalities apart from this odd...
  4. 4 Georgia Hens

    Will this chick make it?? I need help!

    Hey guys. A few minutes ago, my sister and I were cleaning out the broody hen’s coop when we found a cold egg that had an external pip. My sister really wanted to see what was inside so she peeled back some of the shell, revealing a still-alive chick and a bit of blood. I immediately, I brought...
  5. 4 Georgia Hens

    Calico Cochin x Black Silkie - What will it look like?

    Hello everybody! I am incubating eggs from this calico Cochin rooster:and a black silkie hen. What do y’all guess their offspring will look like?
  6. 4 Georgia Hens

    Which Rabbits Are Easiest To Breed? I Need Advice!

    Hello everyone! Recently, I have been looking into breeding rabbits as a hobby/for a small profit and I wanted some advice. There are tons of rabbit breeds out there so I have been very conflicted on which one to chose. Originally, I was looking at Netherland Dwarfs, but the whole deal with the...
  7. 4 Georgia Hens

    What Variety Are These Cochins?

    Would someone be able to share with me what variety my bantam Cochins are?
  8. 4 Georgia Hens

    What do I do with my broody hen? She's sitting on a public nest!

    Hello everybody! Right now, I am on a mission to hatch some chicks with my silkie. However, there is just one issue. So, she has gone broody on a very popular spot to lay eggs. There are six hens (including her) that lay in this area. I do have other alternative places, but the hens refuse to...
  9. 4 Georgia Hens

    Birthday Pancakes for my Silkies!

    Hello everybody! Tomorrow is my silkies 2nd birthday and I really wanted to surprise them with breakfast pancakes. So here are the ingredients that I brainstormed: Oats Yogurt An Egg Frozen blueberries Strawberries What do y’all think? Are these ingredients okay?
  10. 4 Georgia Hens

    Questions regarding the dietary needs of rabbits

    Hello everyone! For the past few weeks, I have been doing extensive amounts of research involving rabbit husbandry. Now, before I bite the bullet, I of course need to run the costs of keeping a bunny, and everything that it may entail. Because they need a practically unlimited supply of Timothy...
  11. 4 Georgia Hens

    Can I keep a bunny in my closet?

    Okay, okay I know that the title sounds cruel, but just hear me out. Recently, I have been looking into what it would require to have a pet rabbit. From my research, I concluded that keeping such a vulnerable and fragile animal outside is really cruel. So is housing a bunny in a cage. Free roam...
  12. 4 Georgia Hens

    Did my chicken have a seizure? Why did she die?

    Hello everyone. Yesterday afternoon I went to go check on my flock, and I noticed something very odd. My almost 3 year old Red Sex-Link was flipping and flopping all over the place. It looked like she was trying to do cartwheels. Her eyes were rolled back into her head. Honestly, it seemed like...
  13. 4 Georgia Hens

    How do I tame chicks that are raised by a broody??

    Hello everyone! I have a broody silkie with 5 chicks. They are all about a week old. On my “farm” all of my chickens are super tame and I don’t want these babies to be any different. The hen doesn’t seem to care if I hold her chicks, but they really don’t love attention from me. What would be...
  14. 4 Georgia Hens

    I need advice: broody hen troubles!

    Hello everyone! A little while ago, 2 of my silkies went broody on potentially fertile eggs. Unfortunately, I did not keep track of the date the they first went broody. They each have about 9 eggs. Yesterday, one of the eggs hatched. I thought about candling the eggs tonight to get a better...
  15. 4 Georgia Hens

    Is this ordinance unfair? I need advice!

    Hello everyone! Recently I have been a lot of research about my county’s ordinances. We have been legally (with a few exceptions) keeping chickens for almost 4 years. After all of this time, we have started to really want to begin growing our “farm”. After doing some digging, I found out what is...
  16. 4 Georgia Hens

    Lime Green Poop! Coturnix Quail! Help!

    Hello everyone! Today I noticed that one of my 4 Coturnix quail is staying puffed up in a corner of the coop. While I watched her, she pooped a very unusual poop. She is approximately 7 weeks old. I don’t know what’s going on. What do y’all think?
  17. 4 Georgia Hens

    Our new quail!

    Hello everyone! Yesterday we picked up 4 two-week old quail! I currently have them in a medium sized dog crate while their coop is being finished. We have already fallen head over heels for these sweet little birds! In terms of food, I got them a non-medicated chick starter. I have heard that...
  18. 4 Georgia Hens

    Silkie in critical condition! She was attacked!

    Yesterday, my 6 1/2 month old silkie was attacked by my Speckled Sussex who is at least 2X bigger than the silkie. The SS was on Pongo’s (the silkie) back and pecking her neck and head. Luckily, it was only for a very short period of time. I brought the silkie inside, warmed her up and tried to...
  19. 4 Georgia Hens

    Quail Ordinance?

    Hello everyone! I’m back! Okay, lately I have been doing some research into Quail. I have done my very best to see whether or not they are legal to keep in North GA, but I cannot for the life of me figure it out. Does anyone know which counties quail is able to be kept? Or any possible restrictions?
  20. 4 Georgia Hens

    Please help! Lethargic silkie!

    This morning when I was unlocking my chickens, I noticed one of my silkies acting lethargic. It was hunched over in the corner of the coop. When I picked it up, she didn’t protest at all, which is usual. Immediately, I added some hay to my “hospital” crate and placed food and water inside. I...
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