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  1. LaChicken84

    Hens with rooster

    So if my hens have been around a rooster that I don't want offspring from. How long does it take her to pass those eggs he fertilized? There's a new rooster n there now that I watch to harch some with
  2. LaChicken84

    New black copper marans rooster

    Got a new rooster today. His tail feathers are missing. Owner said it was because the other birds plucked them out. Will they grown back?
  3. LaChicken84

    Fighting rooster

    So I acquired a new rooster yesterday..I had him separated from all the other chickens and the other rooster n a coupe by himself. My neighbor decides to let my chickens out while I'm at work. He lets the buff Cochin rooster out and the barnyard mix rooster jumps all over him. The buff is a good...
  4. LaChicken84

    What breed??

  5. LaChicken84

    Easter egger

    So what is an Easter egger's breed? I can't find a definite answer. Stupid question....Easter egg rooster and Easter egg hen=Easter egg chicks correct??
  6. LaChicken84

    First time to candle ever. Is my egg good.

    These are 2 different eggs. Do they look normal? Sunday will be the 7th day. I have a few that I know they are questionable. I can see the veins in these.
  7. LaChicken84

    Hen ages

    At what age do hens usually stop laying. And after they stop what do most of u guys do with them? Thanks
  8. LaChicken84

    Egg color thread.

    I'm interested in egg colors. Different colors, shades etc. Everyone please post what they have came up with as far as egg colors goes and what u did to get the colors you came up with. Thanks! Pictures as well
  9. LaChicken84

    Fertile or infertile?

    My egg Store bought egg
  10. LaChicken84

    Incubator temp

    I made my own incubator...temps range from 102-108. Where do I need to try to maintain my temp. Humidity has been around 30%
  11. LaChicken84

    Letting my flock in the yard question....

    I got 8 hens and 1 rooster 5 days ago. They are all mature. I've been letting them get used to their coupe and nesting boxes etc. When is it ok to let them out in the yard? How long usually does everyone let theirs roam? How do u get them to go back n coupe? Also I live n the country and I...
  12. LaChicken84

    New to chickens. Guidance needed

    What breed is this. She lays white eggs. The man told me she is totally black, even her meat all the way to the intestines etc
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