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  1. kingchickies

    Is there hope baby chick

    I received my chicks this morning. They hatched Monday and shipped same day. When I got them home and opened the box, 2 had been separated and were cold. 1 was dead the other barely alive the rest fine. I got them under the heat lamp and really thought this one would have died by now. I have...
  2. kingchickies

    Acting egg bound can't feel an egg

    I went to open the coop this morning and one of my slw hens had her wings down and tail down. She's a yr old. I haven't spent much time out their this last week because it has been raining and cold. They spent 2 days in the coop for this reason. I watched her and she was walking like a penguin...
  3. kingchickies

    Rooster near death had lice

    Our sweet boy went down very fast. Yesterday morning was weak but ate and moving around a bit. I knew something was off. Yesterday afternoon he was laying off by himself and I went to check on him and he was very weak. I picked up feathers to feel his skin to see if he was hot or cold and...
  4. kingchickies

    Comb and wattles now pale

    I have been searching on here for info on comb and wattles now pale. I have a BO that has been laying for a few weeks and the end of last week started acting a bit broody. She would sit in the nest all day and didn't lay eggs for 3 days. She came out in the evening and rooster with the others at...
  5. kingchickies

    Just had to share (rooster behavior)

    This sweet boy my daughter is holding did the cutest stuff today. One of our pullets is acting like she's going to lay an egg today. We were out doing coup chores and she was clucking and looking all over in every nook and cranny. He followed her into the coup and started helping her nest. They...
  6. kingchickies

    Feed question

    Hi everyone, I have a question for you about feeding. I have 19 6 month olds mixed breeds and 2 are roosters. My BO roo is very large. He's the biggest in the flock, I switched to a higher protein feed because I noticed I could feel his breast bone very prominently a few weeks ago and him being...
  7. kingchickies

    Laying question..

    Hi everyone, I have a 21 week old EE that started laying last week, her first egg was cracked on the floor. The next one in the nest, 3rd by feeder, then I saw her lay one in the nest. I realized why the first was on the floor cracked. She is in the nest facing the back, her butt close to edge...
  8. kingchickies

    Egg laying and heat

    Hi all! I'm in North TX and have 17 5 mo old pullets, 2 roos we raised from day olds. 2 days ago we got our first egg. Yesterday, I hung out in the run doing some yard maintenance and 2 were in and out of the coop and in and out of the nests. A 3rd was watching all the commotion. The 2 laid...
  9. kingchickies

    I think we are close....

    Hi everyone! I have a few of my girls that are getting close to laying! One has been squatting for 2 weeks and the last 2 days someone has been messing around in the nesting boxes! My concern is.. is it normal for them to be messing around in the boxes without laying? And.. they are kicking all...
  10. kingchickies

    They're growing up :(

    My chicks are looking more like chickens everyday. I guess they are getting to the teen stage, voices are changing, fully feathered, combs and waddles are showing... about 10 weeks now. Before
  11. kingchickies

    Open mouth stretching neck?

    I have 19 6 week old chicks a few of them hold their mouth open off and on and sometimes stretch their neck out. I read this could be adjusting the crop. I get handfuls of grass in small pieces, give them shredded squash, carrots, apples. They have chick grit. I'm just noticing some of them...
  12. kingchickies

    Chicks purring??

    Hi everyone. I'm sure the title tells you I'm new to chicks, and this might be a stupid question....but I'm noticing a few chicks that instead of the cheep, cheep sound making more of a well to me it sounds like a loud purring type cheep. Lol if that makes sense. Is this just a normal noise or...
  13. kingchickies

    New chick mom

    I have been reading lots of great info on this site, and it has helped so much! Decided to join so I can get more info. Thanks everyone! Thought I would add a pic of my reason for needing info. Lol
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