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  1. SpaghettiJo

    PLEASE HELP!! I can't tell what's wrong

    Hi, one of my chickens (3yr old red sex link), Bertha, is not doing well at all. She has laid maybe two eggs in the past year, but I was not too worried about that because her health hasn't suffered until now & she's always been one of my strongest (& one of the two alphas of our small flock of...
  2. SpaghettiJo

    How do i tell if my girls have lice or mites??

    I have 6 hens.. 2 of which have started to lose feathers on the tops of their heads.. Recently there have been an increasing amount of feathers around their coop and run area, and my original 6 eggs a day has dropped down to 3.. so i figured they might be molting, but they are only 7 months old...
  3. SpaghettiJo

    What happened??

    My Wilma is missing several feathers from her head.. Does anyone seem to have any ideas as to what has happened? She wasn't missing any feathers yesterday, we had an issue with rats getting in their coop a few weeks ago (but we believe that to be remedied), she started laying eggs about 4-6...
  4. SpaghettiJo

    Swollen Crop

    Hello! The past couple of days I had been noticing that my girl, Spaghetti Jo's crop seems to be a bit enlarged/weird looking... Im not sure whats wrong with her... She is a white leghorn and she is about 7 months old.. Any ideas would be helpful! Thank you!
  5. SpaghettiJo

    Pullet stopped laying after 4 days... been a month - hasn't laid since..

    Does anyone have any ideas as to what might be wrong with her? Its been a month since she laid her last egg, and I'm starting to get pretty worried.. all of her sisters are still laying everyday and are healthy. She is not lethargic, she's not limping, everything seems to be normal, except of...
  6. SpaghettiJo

    Hen stopped laying and has runny poo??

    One of my girls, wilma, started laying about a week or so ago, laid about 3-4 eggs, and then stopped, and hasn't laid one since.. I have been gone on vacation and just got back a couple of days ago, our chicken sitter kept an "egg log" and listed all the egg colors and quantity of each.. she...
  7. SpaghettiJo

    What is she??

    Hi! Alright, so I have 6 chickens.. 2 are mysteries to me.. One i believe to be a red sex link, and the other I thought was an easter egger, but yesterday she laid her first egg, a brown speckled egg.. sadly i do not have a photo of it and it has since been eaten.. but it left me wondering...
  8. SpaghettiJo

    Chicken leashes??

    Does anybody have a chicken leash? How do you like it? How long did it take you to train them to use it? I know training takes a while and some chickens will simply never like it, but if anyone has chickens that have ended up liking them, please let me know all the details! I've been thinking...
  9. SpaghettiJo

    Brite-Tap... Anybody using them??

    Does anybody use a brite-tap waterer? If so: How do you like it? Any algae growth? Easy to clean/install? Do your chickens like it? How many chickens do you have per brite-tap? Thank you guys in advance for the insight! :)
  10. SpaghettiJo

    Training chickens to do tricks!

    Has anybody trained their chickens to do cool/interesting/fun things? If so, how did you accomplish it? What means/methods did you use? Tell us all about it! Share tutorial videos! AND, if you have pictures/videos of your chickens in action, don't hesitate to share!
  11. SpaghettiJo

    How to deal with my mean hen?

    Recently one of my hens has developed an attitude towards the other chickens. Whenever I go out to give them a treat or simply refill their food, Spaghetti Jo gets really mean towards her sisters. She will start pecking at their faces and gets quite protective over the food or treat. Is there...
  12. SpaghettiJo

    Best waterer?

    Recently, I've discovered that my chickens are not drinking out of their waterer that has the cups attached to it. I have tried showing them several times how to use it and they will successfully drink out of it while I'm sitting there, but then I'll come to check on them later and they will be...
  13. SpaghettiJo

    Helpful ideas to help keep chickens cool in humid environment

    Hello! Recently the temperatures here where I am have been rising exponentially, and my chickens are definitely not happy about it. The average temperature where I am is about 95 degrees and humidity is about 80-95%.. I feed my chickens cold fruit and yogurt, when it's especially hot, and I ice...
  14. SpaghettiJo


    Hello! I have had my chickens since March 18,2017, and my red sex link just laid the first egg out of all six of my chickens!! I'm so proud of her, especially since she has been my little baby since day 1. Her name is Bertha and is definitely one of my more motherly looking chickens. I love her...
  15. SpaghettiJo

    Chickens have runny poop and are barfing... help!

    Hello! Recently my chickens have had quite runny poop and have been barfing on occasion. I'm not sure what seems to be the matter with them, since there has not been anything out of the ordinary that has either been fed to them or given to them to drink. They have been eating the feed that they...
  16. SpaghettiJo

    About me and my chickies

    Hello! I am fairly new to chickens, I got my first batch of chickens this past March. I currently have 6 chickens - 4 Americauna, 1 White Leghorn, and 1 red sex link. I first stumbled upon backyard chickens when I was looking for an answer to a question I had regarding water feeders (of all...
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