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  • Users: jeria
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  1. jeria

    Can a Barred Rock lay pink eggs????

    I have 3 hens. 2 EE's and a Barred Rock. They have recently started laying. I'm a newbie on this. I'm on some days getting a blue egg, an olive egg, and a pink one! Some days I find a brown one , a blue and an olive. . My question is can a barred rock sometimes lay pink eggs when they...
  2. jeria

    ROO or HEN????

    I'm hoping Buffy, the lightest one is a hen but have my doubts. Please chime in. If Buffy is a ROO I can't keep him, so hoping a hen.
  3. jeria

    Hops question

    I have hops vines in my yard that need to be cut back every year. Are they OK to feed to the chicks? I am thinking of planting some next year as well as they will quickly climb the fencing and provide shade. I know I saw something about hops on a long long thread about treats during the summer.
  4. jeria

    silly teenagers.

    My girls just moved to the coop last week. They have a new rail feeder and I've been mixing starter and grower crumbles together. They eat the bigger pieces first and leave the finer ones. they don't seem interested in that until I dump it out on the floor of the coop and they go crazy after...
  5. jeria

    Between the rafters question

    What is a good way to add hardware cloth in between these rafters? I want to leave it open for ventilation. It will be under the roofed run area. A 1x2 will take care of the spaces directly under the beams. It's the logistics of how to do it that has me a bit stuck. The door frame isn't...
  6. jeria

    1 week old mini seizures

    One of my week old 6 chicks a barred rock was fine when I left for work this am. Came home from work and found her lying on her side, legs splayed out and having what looked like little seizures. I moved her to the box they were shipped in and I'm sure she is not going to live more than a...
  7. jeria

    Gramcracker's coop.

    This gramma is building a coop--some grandson's call me Gramcracker-- silly but fun. No one is helping until the grandsons help me with the roof, no way can I lift 4x12 sheets of plywood and metal roofing. Also they will help with the roof framing as that's rather difficult for one person. It...
  8. jeria

    Dogs and new to chickens

    This is my fault: Sad news as I had the chicks outside in what I thought was a pretty secure fenced raised bed. Bird netting over the top and a tarp over a portion of it. They were enjoying being out there while I was working on the coop. My 2 dogs of course curious but had settled down as...
  9. jeria

    How level does the gound need to be?

    My coop and run will be on an area that is a slight slope, no totally flat spot up on this river bluff. I do know I need to build the coop and run level and have fence posts holders to assist with that, have hauled in 40+ bags of dirt, am making sure the perimeter of the coop and run are level...
  10. jeria

    Teenagers, is there anything special I need to know?

    Lots of info on new babies but not much on what to watch for with teenaged chicks. Mine are now 5 weeks today. They are mostly feathered out though changing daily. I have them in the brooder box because my coop completion has been delayed with me getting bronchitis and it will be another 2...
  11. jeria

    Dog: yeast infection ears??

    My lab/rotsy mix (Pepper) has yeast infections in her ears. I've tried the vet's meds and didn't work. Added $100.00 to my wellness visit. So I'm hunting for something to use naturally that isn't going to cost a fortune but works. Woke up in the middle of the night thinking peroxide. Any...
  12. jeria

    Putting the roof on last question

    Here is the situation: I'm building my coop by myself primarily on weekends since I work full time often getting off late. I really need to move my chicks into their new home by mid-July as they will outgrow their brooder box, they will be 6 weeks. I will not have help to put the roof on...
  13. jeria

    I feel like I'm back on dial up sometimes.

    The site is so dang slow some of the time, maybe it is volume. I click on something, go do something else and come back to check-it may or may not have loaded yet. Tonight while waiting for things to load I've done my dishes and cleaned my bathroom, not sure what else I will get done. The...
  14. jeria

    How do you haul chicks outside?

    I plan on taking my 3 week old chicks outside this weekend if it isn't too windy. I need to cart these super wiggly babies up the stairs and to the fenced in area they are going to. What do you put them in to get them there? They are getting pretty good with their wings as well.
  15. jeria


    OK, I have my coop and run site partially done, much to go yet. 40 bags of dirt hauled to level it. Now my dogs are digging in the site after a mole, glad it's not leveled yet. Mole tunnels go pretty deep going after earth worms so are they any danger to chickens?
  16. jeria


    OK, I have my coop and run site partially done, much to go yet. 40 bags of dirt hauled to level it. Now my dogs are digging in the site after a mole, glad it's not leveled yet. Mole tunnels go pretty deep going after earth worms so are they any danger to chickens?
  17. jeria


    OK, I have my coop and run site partially done, much to go yet. 40 bags of dirt hauled to level it. Now my dogs are digging in the site after a mole, glad it's not leveled yet. Mole tunnels go pretty deep going after earth worms so are they any danger to chickens?
  18. jeria

    Prep for this coop is hot hard work!

    Working on leveling and predator protecting while getting ready to put in a simple brick foundation for the coop and run. A slight slope has meant 40+ bags of dirt, cement blocks hauled and it still needs to be leveled, hope no more dirt needed. 1/2 inch 2 foot hardware cloth as a skirting all...
  19. jeria

    Reaction to new treats!

    It is hysterical watching my 4 little chicks. I have so far given them chopped hard boiled eggs, some organic shredded wheat as a scratch, and tonight lettuce leaves from the garden. They discuss everything with little chirps in the corner behind the water: one will get brave and go walk on...
  20. jeria

    Winter leave before dawn question

    In the winter it is still dark before I leave for work 6am. It will be light by 7am. I'm hoping to be able to leave the coop door open into the run before I leave. Would you do this? I hate to leave them inside all day if the weather is decent. I'm already way over the budget building my coop...
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