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  1. MamaChick74

    What's wrong?

    A couple of weeks ago my girl Daisy who is a barred rock was acting strange/lethargic and I noticed the tips of her comb were turning purplish. I separated her and gave her some water with acv and some garlic. She ate and had some meal worms as a treat and the next day her comb and demeanor...
  2. MamaChick74

    Off balance chicken (with videos)

    Last week I brought my chicken Sierra to the vet for an impacted crop that wouldn't clear. Their was bacteria that was found so she was given antibiotics for 7 days. She was very under weight as well. She seemed to improve with antibiotics. But now she is walking off balance. Her legs seem...
  3. MamaChick74

    Impacted crop

    I am pretty sure one of my girls has an impacted crop. I separated her 2 days ago after I noticed her crop was large one morning. When I picked her up to check her it was very hard feeling. I have been giving her water with olive oil and some poultry grit. I have been massaging her a few...
  4. MamaChick74

    2 Chickens not laying

    I have 2 Wheaten Ameraucana's who lay smallish blue eggs. For the past 3 days now they have not laid. Should I be worried? They are on an organic pellet layer feed, they get probiotics and electrolytes daily in their water, treats are minimal...occasional watermelon and cantaloupe rinds...
  5. MamaChick74

    Hello from New Hampshire

    Hello all you BYC folks! For 3 years now when I search for answers the majority of the time it brings me to a BYC thread! I thought it was about time to have an account...took me long enough lol. So here I am..Anyways I am from New Hampshire and am mama hen to now only 5 chickens. We started...
  6. MamaChick74

    Question on breeds

    We are sadly down to 5 chickens. Right now we have 3 Barred Rocks and 2 Ameraucana's. We will be looking to add more to our flock shortly. What breeds would be good to add? Our BR's can be bossy so I want a breed that will mix well with the BR's. And they would need to be winter hardy for...
  7. MamaChick74

    Deworming with safeguard pellets

    Has anyone used the Safeguard 0.5% type c medicated feed to deworm their chickens? I bought some from tractor supply and I cannot figure out what the dosage would be. Any help would be great!
  8. MamaChick74

    Sour Crop

    My chicken Coco has been separated from the flock since Monday as I noticed the girls pecking at her and drawing blood on her comb. Knowing she must be sick I put electrolytes and probiotics in her water...which really perked her up at first. I also gave her some scrambled egg with some...
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