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  1. MidnightMaran

    Sick Chicken Please Help!

    My six year old hen is sick. She hasn’t been laying many eggs for a couple years, and yesterday I noticed her puffed up in egg laying position in our backyard/free ranging area, so I kept an eye on her because she wasn’t laying in the nesting box, which she hasn’t had much trouble with in the...
  2. MidnightMaran

    Does my hen have spurs?

    I have a two year old Black Langshan, and I'm wondering if she has spurs. I'd like to know if they really are spurs, or something else that could be serious or important. I am positive she is a hen, because she lays eggs and looks like a female in all other aspects. The spurs are above her back...
  3. MidnightMaran

    Dog attack

    So, Yesterday we lost two members of our 3-hen flock. We were on vacation and got two responsible school aged boys who wanted to make a little extra pocket money for watching our pets for a few days. They let the chickens out every morning before school, feed and water them, and lock them in...
  4. MidnightMaran

    Coyote trouble

    I have known that the area outside of my yard is home to several coyotes ever since we got this house, but in the 2 years we have had chickens here, they have never been any trouble, except for annoying howling on summer nights. However, a few days ago, a coyote got inside my garden beds. Our...
  5. MidnightMaran

    1 year old hen- Exactly what breed?

    I’ve been meaning to do this for a while, I’m not perfectly sure what breed this not-so-little girl is. Her seller told me she was a Black Copper Maran, but as she grew up there was no copper coloring. There still isn’t, and now that she lays, her eggs are not as dark as a Maran. I think she...
  6. MidnightMaran

    How old is my black copper maran pullet?

    I have a BCM pullet, (it is NOT a cockrel, does not crow or show any signs of crowing) but I only know that I got her about two months ago, the person selling her told me every chicken in the coop she was in was 4-6 weeks old. She was one of the smaller ones, compared to other marans and black...
  7. MidnightMaran

    Buff Orpington, pullet or cockrel?

    I have a 2 month old buff Orpington that I thought was a pullet but now I have some doubts because of his neck feathers. They aren't all that thin, and there are very few of them, I just noticed that it is a couple of shades darker than its sister, just wanted to ask someone with more experience.
  8. MidnightMaran

    Silver Laced Wyandotte- pullet or cockrel??

    I have 2 2 month old silver laced Wyandotte chickens. I am not sure of their gender, will someone help me? Here are pictures. The first 2 pictures are of #1, the others of #2. Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated.
  9. MidnightMaran

    Black Copper Maran - Pullet or Cockerel??

    Hello! I have a 7 week old french black copper maran and I was wondering if anyone had a guess about it's gender. It has not tried to crow yet. I have included some pictures. If anyone has any guesses, I'd be very grateful. (sorry about the last pic, It had to be cropped.)
  10. MidnightMaran


    I got my first ever chicks a few weeks ago and there are no other chicken keepers in our part of town so I decided to join backyard chickens! I have 7 chicks right now. 1 BCW (7 weeks) 2 silver laced wyandotes (6 weeks) 2 ameracaunas (5 weeks) and 2 buff orpingtons (5 weeks) (whew!) I enjoy...
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