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  • Users: Cowgirl71
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  1. Cowgirl71

    Will adding Muscovy ducks to a one acre pond harm the fish?

    We have a one acre pond in front of our house. The previous owner was an avid fishermen, and stocked it with all kinds of local fish. Everything from bluegills, to sunfish, to large and small mouth bass, to crappie, to grass carp, to blue and channel catfish. We have seen babies and juveniles...
  2. Cowgirl71

    Broody hen adopting the yellow chicks, but pecks the black chicks..... Advice welcome!

    I have a broody hen (Buff Orpington/Barred Rock cross) that hatched out 2 Buff Orpington chicks Monday (Aug. 5th). Because of the poor hatch rate, I quickly ordered some chicks with the hope that she'd adopt and raise them. I ordered 6 Barred Rocks, 5 Black Australorps, and 5 Buff Orpingtons...
  3. Cowgirl71

    Dog Breeding Question

    We bought a large herd of goats last year along with four Great Pyrenees dogs, who stay with the goats and protect them from predation (they did an excellent job this year, we didn't lose a single goat to predation out of 300+, most of which were babies!). But anyway, we bought four Pyrenees...
  4. Cowgirl71

    What would a Buff Orpington/Golden Laced Wyandotte cross look like?

    I have a Buff Orpington rooster and am considering adding some Golden Laced Wyandotte pullets to my chick order. Anyone know what this cross would look like?
  5. Cowgirl71

    Which make better mothers... Red Dorkings or Golden Laced Wyandottes?

    Does either breed tend to make better mothers than the other? As far as caring for the chicks, protecting the chicks, etc.? Thanks for any help!
  6. Cowgirl71

    Are Dorking chicks less hardy than other chicks?

    I'm looking into the Dorking breed and they're looking very interesting. Except I have found a few places that said that Dorking chicks are more fragile compared to other chicks. But then I found another place that said that it's just a myth, and that Dorking chicks are just as hardy as other...
  7. Cowgirl71

    Breeds that make good foragers?

    I like the hens that prefer to scrounge up their own food rather than camping out at the feeder. Which breeds would you recommend for being the best foragers?
  8. Cowgirl71

    Guineas hatching and raising their babies

    Sorry, long post I know, but please bear with me... We got our first Guineas 3 years ago. We lost a bunch of them, but ended up with 1 male and 6 females. Summer 2009 a few of the hens hatched out keets, but they each lost all of them within a week or less of hatching. So we had to find and...
  9. Cowgirl71

    Broody Hen Questions...

    I have 7 hens that have gone broody this year and I need to pick 4 of them to keep, and sell the rest to make room for my spring pullets. My question is, if a hen went broody in April, will she likely go broody early next year too? And a hen that didn't go broody until July, will she likely go...
  10. Cowgirl71

    Buff Orpingtons vs. American Games???

    *Hopefully I put this in the right section* I'm wanting to get down to just 15 hens and a rooster and let the hens hatch and raise the chicks. But I want a good dual purpose flock as well. I'm planning on having Buff Orps, Barred Rocks, and Rhode Island Reds for sure. Help me decide whether...
  11. Cowgirl71

    Questions about American Game hens...

    I've been looking into getting some American Game hens. Their broodiness, fierce mothering abilities, hardiness, and foraging abilities make me believe they could be a great asset to my breeding program for a good "farm chicken." According to my research they should be able to perform under...
  12. Cowgirl71

    Help me choose which chickens/breeds to keep!

    I was up to almost 200 chickens this spring. I'm drastically downsizing to 16 hens and a rooster. MY GOALS: I want a hardy, free-ranging, egg producing, meat producing flock, with some hens going broody and hatching next years flock (and I'll get a new rooster every year to keep from...
  13. Cowgirl71

    Ever hear of a "Liger"???

    I'd never heard of them before. They're huge! Just thought I'd share this link about them...
  14. Cowgirl71

    Chick hunched up & lethargic with a lump in it's lower abdomen

    I have this 17 day old Barred Rock chick from Ideal Poultry that has been standing hunched up and lethargic for the past few days. I looked it over when I first noticed it and I couldn't see anything wrong with it. The vent was clean, and nothing else was obviously wrong. So I thought maybe...
  15. Cowgirl71

    Please recommend a breed that makes excellent mothers!

    I'm really into self-sufficient type stuff, and I'd really like to find a way for the hens to hatch and raise their own chicks with little-to know interference from me. That way, among other things, I'm not reliant on an electric brooder light. My main concern is predators during the day time...
  16. Cowgirl71

    Ameraucana Roosters For Sale

    I have 14 Ameraucana (aka Easter Egger) roosters for sale, hatched 1/28/11. They're beautiful, real docile, and very healthy. I won't ship them, pick-up only. If you're interested or have questions, please don't bid, just post on this thread, PM, or Email me. Asking $3 each, or two or more...
  17. Cowgirl71

    Just thought I'd share this great price I found for the Sportsman 1502 This is by far the best price I've been able to find!
  18. Cowgirl71

    Question about using broody hens to hatch Guinea keets...

    I'm thinking about putting some Guinea eggs under my broody hens. But I'm concerned that the hens could kill/injure the tiny keets when they hatch. The Guinea eggs are quite small (about 70% the size of a golf ball), out of "pullets." Should I try it or not?
  19. Cowgirl71

    What kind of hatch rates do you all get from your Sportsman 1502?

    I love my Genesis 1588. Excellent and dependable hatch rates, very little hands-on, etc. However, it would be really expensive for me to buy another 4 or 5 Genesis 'bators. It would be cheaper to get a Sportsman 1502. What kind of hatch rates can I expect from this 'bator? I'm kinda...
  20. Cowgirl71

    Just thought I'd share some pics of a few of our baby farm animals! :)

    We've had lot's of babies born this spring, and thought I'd share some pics. Here's "Squirt," a Kiko buckling we're bottle-feeding, one day old in this pic. His momma had triplets, so we had to pick one to bottle feed. Here's "Ellie Mae," a Jersey heifer calf that we're bottle-feeding...
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