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  1. Chicken lover 123

    Do my chickens have worms?

    Hi everyone I was away for a while and my chicken sitter didn’t clean the chickens cage. When I went to clean it I found tiny little worms in their feces. I’m wondering if they have Parisites and how to treat parasites and also if I can eat their eggs if they have parasites.
  2. Chicken lover 123

    what kind of duck should I get

    I am thinking about getting ducks and as I have never had them before i would like to know a good beginner duck that has a good personality and a good egg laying rate. I would also like to know how many ducks to get because i already have six chickens and don't want it to get bullied however i...
  3. Chicken lover 123

    what breed of duck should I get

    I am thinking about getting ducks and as I have never had them before I would like to know a good beginner duck that has a good personality and a good egg laying rate. I would also like to know how many ducks to get because I already have six chickens and don't want it to get bullied however I...
  4. Chicken lover 123

    what to do with frozen water

    hi everyone today we had are first snow and the birds water has frozen. we let are birds free range and I went to check on them and their feet were pinker than usual we do not have a heater in the coop because of fire hazards and are coop is to far away to run a extension cord I gave them some...
  5. Chicken lover 123

    DIY chicken coop decoration ideas

    this is a thread to post all the cool decorations people have come up with as I am redecorating my coop.
  6. Chicken lover 123

    halloween carve a pumpkin like a chicken contest

    I am stating a halloween competition. In this competition you carve a halloween pumpkin like a chicken and give the pumpkin seeds to your chickens. When you are done your pumpkin take a picture of it and your chicken and post it here. If you want put your pumpkin in your chicken coop and let...
  7. Chicken lover 123

    Chicken has broken leg what should I do

    Hi my chicken got a Brocken leg and I need advice on what to do I will post a pic soon
  8. Chicken lover 123

    getting chicks

    I have been thinking about getting chicks in the spring and i have a few questions to ask people. I was wondering if my broody hen will take care of the chicks until they are 6 weeks. the breeds of hens i already have are black copper marans and an easter egger. the chicks i would like to get...
  9. Chicken lover 123

    Silkie chickens

    hi everyone I was wondering if I should get silkie chickens but I want to know some more about there egg laying patterns and personality does anyone know anything about them
  10. Chicken lover 123

    Black copper Maran competition ends September 30th

    I have decided to run a black copper maran show I will be the judge. the show ends September 30th and will be judged by October 5th. Rules All BYC rules apply 2 entries per person BCM's only Include a picture of your BCM and preferably a picture of her egg Roosters are not permitted Include...
  11. Chicken lover 123

    Easter egger September contest ends September 30th

    Hi everyone I've decided to start an Easter egger contest for the month of September it ends on September 30th and I will be judging. Rules All BYC rules apply Maximum of 2 entries per person Breed must be Easter eggers no ameraucanas excepted. Side picture of chicken is nessasary...
  12. Chicken lover 123

    Leash trianing chickens

    Hi I want to train my 1 year old chicken to walk on a leash and I'm wondering weather it's even possible and if it is do you have any tips?
  13. Chicken lover 123

    How to tame a one year old chicken?

    I just got 6 one or two year old hens and I don't think they were socialized much in there old home so at the moment the only time they will let me touch them is if they are on their roosts. Is there any way to get them to be a little tamer.
  14. Chicken lover 123

    My flock

    Hi everyone I would just like to introduce me and my flock. I got my chickens about 5 days ago and I think they are all already laying. I have 1 Easter egger (1 year old) and 5 black copper marans ( 2 of them are 2 years old and 3 of them are 1 year olds.
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