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  1. Master Hatcher

    Yellow Golden changing colors

    So over the last 2 months i have noticed this brown coming through on my yellow golden ... anyone else seen this or had it happen to them ?
  2. Master Hatcher

    Sweetgrass Turkeys

    Tiger Bronze and Tiger Narag sweetgrass Gobblers ... just wanted to show off some of my breeders for this year !
  3. Master Hatcher

    Red Golden or Lady Amherst Males ?

    I got a male red golden from a friend of mine a few months back ... i thought i had a lady amherst male but looking closer i believe they are both red goldens . My yellow golden i assume is a female or i hope anyways as the colors arent changing . I hatched the yellow and the what i perceived as...
  4. Master Hatcher

    New Pea’s added to the flock

    I got a great deal on these two 1 year olds. paid less than $140 for them .... just thought i would share the beauty :)
  5. Master Hatcher

    Sexing Deathlayer Chicks

    I have had lots of inquiries about sexing deathlayer chicks not here but on Social media so i figured i would post this to help some of you out if you are having problems sexing yours . Sexing deathlayer chicks is not impossible as people think at about 4 weeks old when the feathers start coming...
  6. Master Hatcher

    Help sexing 5 month old IB Peachicks

    Can anyone help me sex these turd heads ? I believe there is one peahen and 3 peacocks but this is my 1st year raising peachicks and want to make sure what i have so i can add more peahens if i do have 3 peacocks and 1 peahen ... Thanks :)
  7. Master Hatcher

    Ole 5 toes added to flock

    Sent her to meet a lady to sell her some chicks and she came back with the Gold Laced Polish Frizzle ! Crossing him with an Americauna and a black sexlink wonder what the chick are gonna look like lol ... will update with pics when we have some hatch !
  8. Master Hatcher

    Need Help Pheasant Experts

    my females started laying about a week or so ago . went out this morning and one of my females was laying there her legs kind of stiff yellowish stuff coming from her rear she is panting and her heart beating pretty rapidly ! there are 2 males ringnecks in with my 2 females and they all get...
  9. Master Hatcher

    Muscovy Questions !

    So my 2 females 7 months old went broody so i had to remove them from the nest as the eggs weren't fertile.. just got the drake in yesterday. any idea when they may start laying again ? how long before they take to the drake ? one was setting under a brush pile and one was setting in a hole in a...
  10. Master Hatcher

    Anyone have an idea what breed these could be ?

    I separated my English Jubilee Orps these are the ones I left together in another pen the different colored rooster with the white legs I suspect is also a jubilee but the other with the orange legs and the hens I suspect maybe BLRW’s with almost a non existent Blue Gene count any help will be...
  11. Master Hatcher

    Searching for a Male Chinese Ringneck

    i need a male chinese ringneck pheasant for my females ! if you have one for sell and are willing to ship to Alabama please let me know ! Thanks
  12. Master Hatcher

    Did i get Ripped off ?

    Last year i bought hatching eggs from a friend of mine supposedly BLRW's and Americaunas.. The BLRW's look more like Mottles or Orpingtons ! any insight will be appreciated !
  13. Master Hatcher

    4 Week old Americauna and BLRW chicks

    here is a link to a video i posted earlier ! thanks for checking out my babies :)
  14. Master Hatcher

    Ringneck Chicks wont stop playing in water !

    So My Ringneck Pheasant chicks are 2 days old, i keep about an inch of water in the waterer but they seem to think they are ducks... even with marbles in it the still get soaking wet . its funny in a way but was just wondering if anyone else has dealt with this same situation ? TIA
  15. Master Hatcher

    Ameraucana's Hatching Out

    Ameraucanas started hatching this morning 5 so far about 10 pipped waiting waiting lol .figured i would share some pics
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