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  • Users: Sara L
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  1. Sara L

    Silkie chick, 3+ weeks old

    I have a silkie chick over 3 weeks old (I think hatched on May 15th) I'm hoping you all can help with gender. Can we tell this young or does it need more time?
  2. Sara L

    Bantams, too early to tell gender?

    Hi all, I bought two straight run bantams on 4/5/19 and now that they have feathers I'm wondering if they are boys or girls. Buff Cochin bantam and Polish bantam. Also, is there a specific name for this color Polish? Thanks!
  3. Sara L

    Bunny gender confirmation please

    Hi all, my bunnies are turning 6 weeks old on Saturday and I'd like some help confirming their genders. It's looks like 1 girl, 2 boys, and a questionable. They weren't too thrilled with the examination so I only got a peek for a few seconds. Brown, looks like a girl Dark gray, looks like a...
  4. Sara L

    Toms? Or not??

    Hi all, I'm hoping you can help me determine if I actually have toms or not. I have three turkeys (2 blue slate and 1 bourbon red) I picked up as day olds on 6/29/18 and two bronze turkeys I picked up as day olds on 7/13/18. So the older ones are about 18 weeks and the younger are about 16...
  5. Sara L

    2 Day old Coturnix chick w/curled foot - toes attached together - advice?

    I just finished hatching a bunch of Coturnix Quail chicks (hatched 17th-18th) and two of them seem to have a curled foot (both seem to be the left foot). This is the first hatch I have had with this egg source. In previous hatches of my own eggs I have only had a curled foot two to three times...
  6. Sara L

    Grafting Chick Question

    This morning my mom mentioned she didn't know how long the broody had been setting in the upper retaining wall area in the garden at their place. I head over there after work and hear a chick peeping in distress. The hen and an unknown number of chicks were still up in the upper retaining wall...
  7. Sara L

    Help! Broody left pipping chick behind-covered with white things?

    Help! We had a broody set a clutch at my folk's house without us figuring it out until she was in lockdown. She left the nest late today with 5 fluffy chicks and still had about 8 eggs left in the nest. I wasn't able to get there until this evening and checked on the eggs, which were cold to the...
  8. Sara L

    Quail leg band suggestions please

    I am wondering if someone has suggestions for quail leg bands to track Coturnix quail for breeding purposes. I tried the plastic bands with numbers on them and they fall off really easy. Like slide off over the foot. They have only stayed on a few of the birds. I have also used some of the...
  9. Sara L

    Coturnix Quail Chicks - color

    Hi all, I just hatched a bunch of Coturnix Quail chicks and I got a lot more color variation than I was expecting. Can I get your thoughts on what you think the fluff color will turn into? I am still learning what the different colors are called. The parents are kept in groups with one male and...
  10. Sara L

    Chick was stuck in egg, now neck is weird

    I just hatched a batch of coturnix quail chicks and at least one of them got stuck in the egg. Two were fine once I helped get the shell off, but the third must have been like that for a while because it's neck is still twisted to the side like it's still in the egg. All chicks are now in the...
  11. Sara L

    Button Quail Chicks - what color are they?

    Hi all, These are my button quail chicks hatched on 8/14/17, so they are 2 weeks old today. Can someone help me figure out what color patterns they are? Or will the color change as their feathers continue to grow in? I have no clue what the parents look like since these were eggs I bought...
  12. Sara L

    Button Quail Incubation - assisted out of shell - did I do the right thing??

    I am incubating 24 button quail eggs I received through the mail. I am using a homemade incubator made from a styrofoam cooler with a computer fan and two lights controlled with a water heater thermostat. I started incubation on 7/28/17 and hand turned the eggs in cartons (lifting one end up on...
  13. Sara L

    Hi from Northern California

    Hi, I have been using this site for poultry info for a couple of years but have finally signed up. I have chickens, coturnix quail, two turkeys (Thanksgiving and Christmas), and just started with button quail. I ordered button quail eggs online to incubate and this morning they started hatching...
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