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  • Users: lms0229
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  1. L

    Pink egg layer X Olive Egger F1 = ???

    If I have a hen that consistently lays pink colored eggs and I breed her to my olive egger then what colored eggs would the offspring most likely have? Thanks!
  2. L

    Wanted: Heritage RIRs

    Hi, I am looking to purchase Heritage Rhode Island Red hatching eggs from a show quality breeder. I want to hatch the eggs for my new father-in-law, so that I can surprise him with chicks for Christmas this year! He has been wanting the dark colored heritage RIRs forever! He adores his current...
  3. L

    Are these Birchen Marans?

    I received these when they were very little and I was told they were black Copper Marans... obviously I was lied to but what are these young fellows? My guess is Birchen but not 100%.
  4. L

    Chickens NOT spreading cow manure!

    My cows are organically fed and yet not once have I seen them spread cow manure to look for bugs! I have even thrown scratch grains on top of the manure to “teach” them but nothing! They ignore the scratch grains too! My cows are healthy and got a clean bill of health by the vet.... so what gives?
  5. L

    Chick could walk but now can't ?

    I have a chick that is about a week old and could walk and seemed very healthy by all accounts. I heard alert squawking this morning from the brooder and saw that it was laying on its side. There appears to be no broken bones, but it lays on its side and can't seem to now get up! It moves its...
  6. L

    Lemon Cuckoo Orpington X Black Copper Marans

    Anyone know what they may look like as adults? Anyone ever cross these breeds before? The newborn chicks to me look similar to Golden Sebright Bantam chicks. Here are pictures of some babies in the first few days of life and at 2 weeks of age.
  7. L

    Has anyone crossed a Lemon Cuckoo Orpington with a Black Copper Maran???

    I have a beautiful Black Copper Marans rooster that I bred to my Lemon Cuckoo Orpingtons and the chicks look like larger versions of Golden Seabright Bantam chicks. Anyone know what this cross will look like as an adult? Thank you! Btw I am brand new to raising chickens so I have no idea!
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