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  1. HeidiEmbrey

    Rooster attacking new owner, rehomed silkie previously friendly

    Does anyone have any clue what might be going on here or any advice whatsoever? I hand raised a Silkie rooster from a chick, I was trying for a hen, but both chicks turned out to be roosters, and I had to find new homes for them because I'm not allowed to keep roosters.. I didn't want to get...
  2. HeidiEmbrey

    Can I give my 1 month 10 day old chicks a cupcake?

    I want to give my chicks a treat, resisting calling them my babies lol I can't give them scrambled eggs because they are still on, almost through, their bag of medicated chick feed, I got that because I got them from the feed store and with so many other chicks I thought they might need, but...
  3. HeidiEmbrey

    Vote for me to help me get my chickens please?

    Hello, I am in a contest to win a $500 grant from the Florida Permaculture Convergence to buy the things I need to finally get my chickens. If you would be so kind as to vote for me please send your name (you may use an alias) and the subject ''Voting Heidi's Chickens'' to the Florida...
  4. HeidiEmbrey

    How to Racoon + Rat + Snake proof run?

    Hi, I'm trying to research what gauge, material, and spacing, wire I need to protect my run from predators here (racoons, cats, possums, hawks, snakes, owls, rats, mice) here (city).. 19 gauge 1/2 inch wire mesh=hardware cloth, is the general recomendation I'm getting but is that really small...
  5. HeidiEmbrey

    What are you chickens names, and how old were they when you named them?

    Hi! Just wondering, how old were your chickens when you named them, did you name them on day one, or wait till they grew up to see what they would look or act like? Also wondering what your chickens names are, and why you named them that! Do your birds names follow a theme or do you just go...
  6. HeidiEmbrey

    Need advice on caring for my first chicks :)

    I just got my first chicks yesterday. They're two weeks old. Two silkies and 3 are salmon faverolls, though one of the salmon faverolls looks very different so I'm wondering about it! I only plan to keep two, I picked up the others for friends because everyone has told me they are looking for...
  7. HeidiEmbrey

    Salmon Faverolle with bluish grayish greenish legs?

    Well..I dove in with both feet an bought 5 yes 5, two week old chicks yesterday I couldn't help it :p I only plan to keep two but I had talked to two other farmers who wanted the same chicks so I got some extra for them. I got two buff silkies..I dont think they are bearded but Ill look into...
  8. HeidiEmbrey

    Is there such a thing as a bantam Olive Egger?

    Hello, I'm looking for a bantam chicken that will for sure lay green eggs. Risky to get an easter egger but I may do that and just chance it :) Are there other bantam chickens that lay green eggs? And are Olive Eggers a new breed? Are bantam Olive Eggers available anywhere? Thanks :)
  9. HeidiEmbrey

    Your experience with Seabright/Silver Seabright hens?

    Hi chicken peeps :P I'm reading Seabrights are infrequent layers and prone to getting picked on when in with other birds, also flighty. Does anyone have silver Seabrights? If so would you please be kind enough to tell me about your experience with them? Thanks :)
  10. HeidiEmbrey

    Bantam breeds that lay blue pink green eggs?

    Hey ya'll. Sorry, new, still clueless and learning..I'm trying to figure out what I want from my future flock of chickens and I think what I really want is eggs I can't buy at the store, tiny, blue, green, speckled, just unusual eggs. I'm allowed 4 hens..I think I would like one to lay tiny pink...
  11. HeidiEmbrey

    Looking for tips on keeping chickens naturally. Permaculture chickens.

    Hi! I'm getting chickens soon, researching their care, housing needs etc. I want to raise them the permaculture way, naturally, zero input, zero waste, sustainably. The cheap lazy way, the planet loves it! Reduce reuse recycle. I know a little I don't want to be raking and...
  12. HeidiEmbrey

    Good breeds for Central FL? Hot, harsh weather, humid, mosquitoes.

    Hi! This is the first question I'm posting to this group! Please let me know if I'm posting in the wrong place or violating any norm? I'm trying to research the best varieties, sorry, used to plants lol, the best breeds! :) of chickens for my zone 9a/b here in Florida. I want them for eggs...
  13. HeidiEmbrey

    Vote for me to help me get my chickens please?

    Hello. Would anyone please be so incredibly kind as to please do me a huge favor and send an email, with your name (you may use an alias!) and the subject ''VOTING HEIDI'S CHICKENS'' to '' [email protected] '' You will be helping me win a grant to finally be able to get my...
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