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  1. S

    Barred Rock and Olive Egger

    I have posted about my little delayed barred rock chick elsewhere, but hoping I could get advice on gender specifically here. It's 6.5 weeks old. The comb is small and yellow, the legs are grey. I know it's too early for hackle feathers, but I've heard you can early sex these guys. Sorry, I...
  2. S

    Developmental delay?

    I have this odd little barred rock chick. Born 31st October, and so few feathers, as well as half the size of his/h er fully feathered hatch mates. Is this normal? I am starting to wonder if I accidentally received a bantam!
  3. S

    How long away before flock mates need reintroductions?

    I have a broody I need to break, but my usual set up is in use, so I need to put her elsewhere out of sight of the rest of the flock. How long can I keep her away before they will forget her and I'll need to reintroduce. My flock can be a bit mean to Newbies!
  4. S

    Salmon faverole gender

    I have this little one, three weeks old. I have read they can be sexed early by feather colour, but I'm not sure about this one. If you want to make a guess on the barred rock that would be great too! Thanks!
  5. S

    Chick's dying, please help

    I bought 6 hatching eggs to put under my broody, I've raised day olds before, both by hand and under a broody. They are now 2.5 weeks old. One died the first night. Another died this morning and now another looks lethargic. I think it's respiratory. We have had issues previously, but the...
  6. S

    Welsummer or Olive Egger?

    I had 6 chicks hatch, sadly one of them died the next day. So I know what 4 of them are, but there were two that looked similar, this one and the one who died. So it is either a welsummer or an olive egger, which from memory is auracuna cross marans (or maybe welsummer?) Is it possible to...
  7. S

    Breed help Please :)

    Hi all, Just wondering what breed this hen is? She is 11 weeks old, thanks!
  8. S

    Gender confirmation please

    I must confess, can't remember age exactly, but between 8 and 10 weeks maybe? So above, front roo, right wyandotte hen? Next pic barred rock roo, rear lavender hen Slightly better lavender hen, Sussex is definitely rooaustralorp roo ?and last I think hen. Not sure of breed, could be welsummer...
  9. S

    Brooding on dirt?

    I notice there is a lot of discussion on what substrate to use in the brooder, i haven't seen dirt as an option much. My first chicks were hen raised and straight out on to dirt, with cane sugar mulch in the nesting box. This lot are hand reared. They are 4 days old. I have them on cane...
  10. S

    Help please, broody hen fail

    So we bought some day old chicks to put under our broody, she has adopted chicks successfully in the past but has rejected this lot. They are currently in a box in our bathroom with the heater light on. We're in australia so it's still warm. We put them in last night and she sat on them all...
  11. S

    Confirming roos before they go?!

    Just want to confirm my roo suspicion before i send them to the farm (literally, not figurativly) cant have roos here and i don't have room to keep them all much longer! They are 11 weeks old, i believe they are australorps, spash, blue and black? The splash has me confused, the comb and...
  12. S

    Sussex gender help please?

    Finally got a couple of shots of my 9 week old light sussex babies, they're not fantastic, these 2 will not stay still! #1 eating mulberries so that really dark red spot on her beak is mulberry stain lol #2 Thanks i have no idea on these two, but i know with the white feathers it's...
  13. S

    What breed is my chick?

    Hello, 8 week old chick, pretty sure its girl (please don't break my heart!) But we got a mixed bunch and I have no idea what she is? Thanks!
  14. S

    8 week olds questions

    I have 7 chicks, they're not overly friendly, raised by a broody, so hard to get pictures, there's a couple I'm really unsure of, both gender and breed lol. So I'm pretty sure the black one in front of the gold is a roo, i'm not sure on the gold though. Then I'm also not sure on the light...
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