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  1. Maddiejayne

    Chicken unable to stand.

    My 3 year old hen is unable to stand or walk. She has zero balance and rolls over if left with no support on the ground. Her legs still feel firm and she can curl her toes. If I’m balancing her, she can perch on my arm. There’s no sign of injury. Her vent is clear and she is otherwise healthy. I...
  2. Maddiejayne

    Chicken vomiting clear liquid

    Hi there! My chicken today was acting lethargic. When I picked her up I noticed she was VERY under weight and she had Pooh built up on her feathers (nothing blocking her vent). I bathed her off and tried to feed her some tuna and mealworms. While eating the tuna, clear liquid came out. She was...
  3. Maddiejayne

    Fowl pox

    My 1 year old roo has fowl pox- I’m almost certain of it. Started off with a cyst on his eye along with multiple bumps on his comb and waddles. He separated most of the time for breeding purposes. After a week of noticing it, it’s now covered all of his head skin. Is there anything I can do...
  4. Maddiejayne

    mallard duck mating

    I have 9 week old female mallards (my latest babies) and they’re starting to free range. I have 6 older male mallards showing a huge interest in them, but I don’t want them mated too soon. What’s the best age for when the babies are safe to mate?
  5. Maddiejayne

    Chicken paralysis

    About 10 days ago I noticed my silkie roo, Tormund, wasn’t leaving the coop and moving around like his typical active self. When I went to move him he tumbled forward and could regain his balance or stand well without support. I brought him into the house to investigate him and make sure he...
  6. Maddiejayne

    Chicken eyeball

    Any advice is very much so appreciated! Yesterday I found that my 10 month old silkie rooster (Casper) had been attacked my other flock members. He is left with this horrible swelling over his left eye (if there is still an eye under all the swelling). I’ve since, isolated him and sprayed...
  7. Maddiejayne

    Move broody mallard while hatching eggs?

    I have been raising ducks and chickens for about two years now. My ducks are a mix, all of which I have raised since babies. My non-flight birds such as the pekins stay in the coop at night where as my mallards stay on the pond. The mallards only visit the coop when they’re outside feeder runs...
  8. Maddiejayne

    Please help dying chicken!!

    I brought my 2 month old Millie fleur inside yesterday when I noticed she could hardly hold herself up. I’m pipet feeding her water with electrolytes and now tylan. She seemed fine for a while yesterday (moving, drinking, and eating) now she’s dying. One eye closed up, cannot move except to gasp...
  9. Maddiejayne

    6 week old mallard with drooping wing

    My six week old Mallard appears to have one wing that droops down, so much she sometimes trips when walking. It’s only the one wing. My worry is that this if this is a deficiency problem or normal and something the baby duck will grow out of Or encumbrance that Will affect her longevity? I’ll...
  10. Maddiejayne

    Pekin hens looking rough

    My pekin girls have looked pretty rough for a while now and never seem to get clean or white again, I was hoping it might be molting. Over the summer they moved their wings a lot next to their sides. I assumed the wing movement was to keep cool, but the weather has cooled off and they still do...
  11. Maddiejayne

    Chicken injured foot help

    My hen has been limping for a few days and her foot looks like it has a bruise and some swelling around it. Is there anything I can do to help her foot heal or a way to stabilize it? Not sure what happened to her, but it looks like a sprain or something fell on it. We had been treating the...
  12. Maddiejayne

    Hen with swollen face- PLEASE HELP with Tylan 50 dosage

    Yesterday, out of nowhere, my hen's face became inflated. She shows no other signs of sickness or lethargic behavior. I’ve done much reading and research on what the problem could be, but, as I mentioned, her behavior is completely normal other than the swollen face. Assuming, almost, worse case...
  13. Maddiejayne


    My pekin hen has had a swollen head for 3 days now. There are no hard spots on her, but there is a black spot on top of her head that feathers fell out of. I'm not sure if she got bit or stung? has anyone ever seen this happen to a duck? I haven't taken her to a vet yet because I have left over...
  14. Maddiejayne

    Aggressive Pekin Drakes

    Last august I got 2 pekin hens, 2 pekin drakes, 5 chicken hens and 2 roosters. Almost everyone gets along fine (no problems with the 2 roosters) except my 2 male pekins have turned out to be evil. They chase the chickens around the yard (they all free range together) and are very aggressive with...
  15. Maddiejayne

    New Chicken and Duck owner, Duck side head bob

    Hi, I am a first time chicken and duck owner. My babies are still to young to know if they are male or female, though I have done extensive research to find out. I have 6 mallards that live on my pond that are around 17-20 weeks, 5 pekin ducks that are 10-12 weeks, 12 chickens 10-12 weeks and a...
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