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  1. chick'n'weave

    I just don't have the skills and need some advice on purchased coops

    I get the feeling after reading posts, that everybody out there is very handy with DIY coops. Wish I was. Have no relatives or neighbors close enough to ask for help either. So I am hoping that someone else out there has purchased a coop and finds it is just right for their full grown flock...
  2. chick'n'weave

    plastc snap-to coops - are they good coops?

    Am trying to find a suitable coop. Came across the snap-lock plastic coops. I worry about buildup of heat/moisture in a plastic coop. Any advice or owners with opinions about those coops?
  3. chick'n'weave

    Has anyone purchased from Urban Coop Company?

    Am interested in your reviews about the Round top coop from Urban Coop Company. Am shopping for coop kits. All very expensive, but I figure you get what you pay for. I like the Urban Round-top coop but coop has a wire floor. Any ideas for covering that floor.....and how to clean it...
  4. chick'n'weave

    chicken feet fear

    Am shopping around for chicken coop. Some have solid flooring under roost with cleanout drawer; some have galvanized 1/2" wire. Will the wire damage their feet?
  5. chick'n'weave

    plastic coop?

    I ran across some interesting looking re-cycled plastic coops. Anyone out there have opinions about plastic instead of traditional wood ones?
  6. chick'n'weave

    chicken coop vs. horse trailer?

    Broke? Yes. Maybe crazy? Yes....maybe not! Chicken coops are so costly that I had an idea about transforming a horse trailer into a chicken coop. Has anybody out there ever done this? My horse trailer is 16 feet long, solid wood flooring, 4 ft. metal siding , metal rails about 3 ft...
  7. chick'n'weave

    coop walls - solid or wire

    I keep searching for the "right" coop. These are the arguments I've seen: 1) A 1930s study continues to be referenced about an open coop with a roof and its success. The research showed that one back solid wall and 3 heavy gauge wire walls were optimal for chicken health and ventilation...
  8. chick'n'weave

    free range dilemma

    I need help understanding how to manage free-range chickens....................I know they need to be locked up at night and let out in the morning. 1) Q: If you use feed to get them back in the run, does that mean they forage all day on their own, receiving food at lockup time only...
  9. chick'n'weave

    a-line coop question

    I am looking at a 8'L x 4'w x 5'H tractor coop from If anybody happens to look at that site, you'll see that it is well built, and lots of ventilation and space to allow for free ranging. From your observations, is there any way to create a shelf under the roost boards to...
  10. chick'n'weave

    how many coops?

    I bought an 8'H x 6'L x 4'W A-frame chicken tractor. Is advertised to hold 8-10 chickens. I will start out with 3-4. So when the time comes that I want to get 3-4 more chicks and add them to the flock, will this coop be large enough to house both, since I always read about the older ones...
  11. chick'n'weave

    collecting eggs

    What if I am unable to collect eggs daily from my new flock? What problems occur ? Will the hens continue to fill up the nests with eggs / or go off somewhere else to lay them / or eat them??
  12. chick'n'weave

    managing flock or selling?

    Our family lives in a remote area and we have a flock of 10 chickens. They have automatic waterers and feeders (several of them around the lot) and an automatic door on the coop. They have 1/2 acre fenced area and a predator-proof coop. For the first time since we've had these birds, we are...
  13. chick'n'weave

    no chickens yet, just a lot of "dumb" I do apologize!!

    If I have free-range chickens with access to a coop....and IF coop has a timer so that the door will shut at "dark-thirty" and open at "light'-thirty", will they have sense enough to head for the coop at dark and go outside at light? The reason for this question, is that if we are gone over a...
  14. chick'n'weave

    chickens and vacations??

    We are really intent on getting started with a few chickens at our farm. However, we love to go camping several times a year in our RV. We are usually gone about a week at a time, but most of the time 3-5 days. About every other year, we do a 2-3 week trip. Is there anyone out there who...
  15. chick'n'weave

    salmonella chances??

    How can you be assured that the eggs your chickens lay are not carrying a salmonella bacteria? I've not raised chickens before, and am anxious to get started, but I shudder to think that I might overlook some precaution that I've not heard about which would lead to salmonella infested chickens...
  16. chick'n'weave

    battery powered lighting

    I read that chickens require 12-14 hours of daylight. So I guess light bulbs on a timer in the coop would take care of the extra "daylight" needed. However, does anyone use battery powered lights for additional light in the coop instead of electricity?
  17. chick'n'weave

    apron fencing

    I am researching the type of fencing to use around my coop and run. Although I can't locate it locally, I found an advertiser online for apron fencing. Has anyone out there used that? Would you recommend it?
  18. chick'n'weave

    freerange chickens, behavior, and dust bath location

    Haven't got the chickens yet, but am doing a lot of research. Any suggestions would be helpful. 1) Am considering building a coop surrounded by a small run. I have a huge pasture and will plant to let the birds freerange. Should I build a dustbath area nearby in the pasture instead of...
  19. chick'n'weave

    new adventure

    Hello, I am brand new to the chicken business. Have always had cattle and horses but am going a different route now. I am several months away from actually getting the chickens, as fencing, shelter, etc. is the priority right now. But, it's nice to know that there are helpful folks out...
  20. chick'n'weave

    When to increase flock size

    Hello, I am in the planning process of getting into the chicken business. I am still in the prep stage of fencing, shelter building, etc. I'd like to start out with 4-6 egg layers, but would want to add more later to total around 12 or so. But everything I read says the old and the young...
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