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  • Users: GracieJ
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  1. GracieJ

    Premature duckling with gammy leg! Help please!

    Duckling was born prematurely two days ago. He was struggling to get out of his shell after his mother accidentally cracked it and was struggling to breathe so had to get him out of there. First night he was touch and go but kept him warm all night. By the next day he was fluffy and alert ish...
  2. GracieJ

    Help! My duck is unwell! Can’t walk and won’t eat.

    One night I discovered one of my drake, Riddick, couldn’t walk very well so I assumed he had sprained a leg and put him in his pool for some physio and rest. After putting them to bed, the next morning he couldn’t walk at all!! We took him to the vets and she gave him antibiotics (baytril) and...
  3. GracieJ

    noisy female ducks...ideas?

    Hello, I have five male and two female call ducks and they are my babies!! However, my two females, mainly the youngest one (6mnths old) are 'calling' nearly all of the time, every 20/30 mins or so. At first I thought it was hilarious and cute (and I still do) but now I'm worried neighbours...
  4. GracieJ

    My duck has laid her eggs in the rabbit burrow...

    She’s laid I don’t know how many but she’s been sitting on them for five days. I’ve stuck my phone on a selfie stick down there and can see four but can’t see anymore as the angles aren’t good. Should I get them out of there and bring her in to nest in a box or would it just disturb her? Should...
  5. GracieJ

    Duck’s nail has come off, toe bleeding a lot

    So my ducks were free range today happily enjoying when I noticed blood coming from my Brahms toe, I picked him up and checked it only to see he has no nail and it’s bleeding everywhere. I’ve tried paper roll and towel to stop the bleeding, even put him in water and it’s not worked. Now he’s...
  6. GracieJ

    What time to put chickens/ducks to bed - general consensus?

    Hi All. Was just wondering what time does everyone lock up their chickens/ducks for the night (if you don’t have an automatic door) and what time you let them out again? My mother and I are having this debate right now. My mother wants to lock them up early (8:30pm) whereas I’m more of a 10pm...
  7. GracieJ

    Here’s a couple pics of my duck family :)

    I thought I’d share some cute pics of my nearly 4 week old ducklings and their parents. Please forgive me if I’ve posted this in the wrong place, I tried looking in the duck forum but didn’t really think it was appropriate to just start posting duck pictures amongst people asking questions...
  8. GracieJ

    Ideas/help needed with run for ducks

    So I need to buy a run for my ducks but need some help and advice please. It would be holding 7 call ducks in the night and bad weather My mother wants this coop; It’s 140x80cm but I don’t think it’s big enough. Perks it it already comes with a roof. then there’s this one which I like and...
  9. GracieJ

    Reintroducing rabbit to outdoors

    My rabbits are all free-roaming. Five live outside - they have hutches/sheds for shelter as well as their own burrows they carved out themselves. Five live indoors and occasionally go out but they aren’t fussy. BlackBerry was an outdoor rabbit until We had to bring her in and keep her in a...
  10. GracieJ

    Reintroducing drake to hen and ducklings

    Hey there. My ducklings are now 2 and a half weeks old, they are inside the house with mom. However my poor boy Jemima is outside as he can’t go near the ducklings without pecking at them and when he sees Myrtle he tries to mate with her and she’s horrified. He just wants to come in. I feel...
  11. GracieJ

    Help! One of my ducklings died

    I was in my way home when I had a phone call from my mother absolutely hysterical crying, wailing Dot, one of our most unique ducklings had died. I rushed home and can see she has a broken neck. My mother thinks Myrtle stood on her accidentally. We are devestated. My mother’s sobbing her eyes...
  12. GracieJ

    My coop/shed finally finished :) take a peak!

    Hey everyone :) I’ve finally finished putting together the duck’s playhouse - just a doorknob to add. I bought the playhouse from B&Q for £80 - originally £230 but it was weathered. So they delivered it, we scrubbed it down and washed it and once I borrowed a drill, read the instructions 1...
  13. GracieJ

    Duck and duckling calcium/niacin needs

    I’ve looked at other posts about duck and duckling’s needs when it comes to calcium and niacin but there’s conflicting information and I thought it best to ask on a new thread - hope that’s okay! So I have two call ducks, one Drake, one hen 8/9 months old: when Myrtle was laying she was getting...
  14. GracieJ

    Say hello to our newborns!!

    So Myrtle and Jems became proud parents yesterday to six little ducklings! They are the most adorable, fluffy, busy little creatures and I cant stop looking at them. Myrtle is such a good mother. There’s still five eggs that haven’t hatched and I can’t see any movement, should we remove them or...
  15. GracieJ

    Day 28 of hen sitting on eggs - need advice please!

    Hello everyone, It's now day 28 of my duck sitting on her eggs and I checked her nest this morning and she is still sitting on them and I can't hear any cheeps or pips or moving sounds. She's laid her eggs in a very unusual, hard to reach place and I need to move her into a brooder to bring...
  16. GracieJ

    So excited, hen has been sitting for 15 days

    Hey everyone, I just wanted to share my excitement, Myrtle, my hen, laid a clutch of 11 eggs and it's been 15 days since she started to sit on them, only popping out for 20-30 minutes at a time for food, a swim and to see her beloved soul mate Jemima (Yes, it's a girl's name, we thought he was...
  17. GracieJ

    Can someone help me pick a coop/kennel house for my ducks please

    Hello there, I need help on picking a house for my call ducks out of the following pictures - I have one of those minds that will search for houses for ages and then still not be able to pick one. Okay I have two ducks, hoping to have ducklings mid-March, hopefully 4-6. This house will be...
  18. GracieJ

    I have a few questions - anyone fancy a challenge? :)

    Hello :) Okay so I've looked through various different threads but couldn't find any specific answers that satisfied my questions on Call ducks. I have a drake, Jem and a hen, Myrtle, and she has laid and is 10 days into sitting on her first clutch. I'd be ever so grateful if someone on here...
  19. GracieJ

    Coop ideas for the diy impaired? :)

    Hello everyone, I'm new to this website so please forgive me if this question has been asked a million times. I have been through some of the threads but would like a more personalised answer! :) I am a mother to two lovely 8 month old ducks who currently sleep in a one-storey hutch in the...
  20. GracieJ

    Hello everyone, I'm new to this forum

    Hello everyone, my name is Grace, I'm 24 and from Wales, a student nurse and I just signed up today to this forum. I am a new (ish) owner of two amazing call ducks, Jemima and Myrtle - Jemima is a male but as we had no idea at the time on how to identify males/females we naively named him a...
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