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  1. F

    Tips for keeping Chickens out of neighbors yard?

    We have a flock of 9, and up until just recently have been allowed to free range in the neighborhood and have not been seemingly bothering anybody. The neighbors had started feeding our girls cat food, unfortunately now they gravitate over there and go in their garage and eat the cat food if the...
  2. F

    How many Hens per Rooster?

    We have 4 adult Buff Orpington hens, about 3.5 years old. We just bought 6 new chicks (sexed pullets) to add to our flock. They are 6 different breeds, but I'm fearing we have at least one roo in the mix, possibly more 😩. We got lucky last time with all hens. We live in the country and can keep...
  3. F

    3 week old EE...pullet or roo??

    We purchased this "Ameracauna" chick from TSC as a sexed pullet, after reading these forums I'm assuming "she" is actually an EE. I'm a little worried about the sex though, we bought a sexed leghorn that is turning out to be a Roo :-( Any guesses on the sex of this 3 weeks-ish old EE?
  4. F

    Leghorn pullet or too??

    We purchased this Leghorn chick as a sexed pullet about 2 weeks ago. "She" has developed what seems to be a huge comb for a 3-weeks-ish old chick and it's looking pink to me. Did we get a Roo instead?
  5. F

    One Chick not Doing Well *new symptom, plz help!*

    I posted this in the baby Chick forum but it didn't get any responses yet so I thought this thread may be more appropriate We brought home 5 new chicks last weekend, one of the 5 doesn't seem to be doing well. She spends a lot of time with her eyes closed, standing by herself. She is not as...
  6. F

    Chick Not Doing Well

    We brought home 5 new chicks last weekend, one of the 5 doesn't seem to be doing well. She spends a lot of time with her eyes closed, standing by herself. She is not as active as the others. I noticed runny poop numerous times and thought it might be coccidiosis, so I started them on Corod...
  7. F

    Very Large Wound, need advice!

    We came home from dinner at last night to find one of our girls laying on the bottom of the coop with a VERY large wound on her back, there is probably a 4 by 4 area where all of the feathers are gone, and much of the skin and a lot of the flesh too, in some spots pretty deep. It had stopped...
  8. F

    Need Advice on how to get Chickens to lay in Nesting Boxes

    Hello! We are relatively new to chickens, we got our first 6 last March and they started laying in August. They have their own coop but started laying their eggs in little "nests" they would make in the corners of the goat barn. We never got around to installing the nesting boxes, and their...
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