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  1. Is that an Egg?

    Transgender Duck? 😅

    I got a Rouen drake, the photo with the green head is when I first got him. I’ve had him a couple months, now he’s literally changing his colors and looking like a female I’m so confused.
  2. Is that an Egg?

    How long for my chicks to come out

    I have Turkey chicks hatching today, I’ve never hatched eggs before, they’re peeping and some have holes in the shell. How long now before they fully come out? If they don’t, can I assist?
  3. Is that an Egg?

    HELP! Turkey stopped sitting

    I made the dumb decision to move my Turkey and her eggs because she was in the woods and I think getting close to hatching. Well now I don’t think she’s sitting on them. Probably been about 12 hours since I moved her. I don’t know how old the eggs are. I just bought an incubator, what do I do?
  4. Is that an Egg?

    What breed is this gray hen

    What breed is she? Not sure what egg color she lays the previous owner doesn’t remember breed
  5. Is that an Egg?

    Sick Ducklings HELP PLEASE

    I NEED HELP!! EDIT: Could this be paint toxicity?! We painted the coop and the only thing I can think of that could’ve gotten them sick other than natural reasons is maybe they got into the paint? UPDATE #1: Black duckling is inside under the heat lamp, laying completely flat. Don’t think...
  6. Is that an Egg?


    UPDATE: We found another dead chicken missing a head and feathers from three different birds. They were near our neighbor’s house who own a Great Dane. Coyote, dog, or fox? We came outside and only 6 out of 18 young chickens were left. We are in Wisconsin and it is the middle of the day. What...
  7. Is that an Egg?

    What breed? Roo or Pullet?

    I ordered one barred rock roo, somehow ended up with two. I put numbers by the birds to try and help identify them. I’m having a hard time telling these apart: Speckled Sussex, Blue Laced Red Wyandotte, Gold Laced Wyandotte, and Blue Laced Gold Wyandotte. Which Roo should I keep? The smaller...
  8. Is that an Egg?

    What Breed?!

    This is what I ordered: 1 Barred Rock 6 Rhode Island Red 3 Speckled Sussex 3 Blue Laced Red Wyandotte 3 Blue Laced Gold Wyandotte 3 Gold Laced Wyandotte 2 Lavender Orpington One of our dogs snuck into the chick room and now two are missing. We are trying to figure out which ones. Any help is...
  9. Is that an Egg?

    Pullet or Roo?

    I am pretty certain I know the genders. However, I am not allowed to have a rooster in my city limits so I need to be sure I think the Sussex is a roo but I’m not sure if it’s just the breed.
  10. Is that an Egg?

    I made a..Hen?

    I just bought these two pullets yesterday, and you can definitely tell what their personalities are. I got a Speckled Sussex and a Blue Laced Red Wyandotte. The Sussex eats all the time, and throws a tantrum when her buddy isn't with her, we named her Dumpling. The Wyandotte is a quiet little...
  11. Is that an Egg?

    Black Spot in egg (doesn't look like embryo)

    My bantam stopped sitting on her eggs, and I don't really know when she started. I put them under a heating lamp, then a heating pad, and eventually decided to make an incubator. It has been hard regulating the temperature, and at one point it was 111° degrees. I'm worried I cooked them. There...
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