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  1. Bookworm0124

    Duck emergency

    Just found one of my hens like this. Any suggestions on how to help or should I just put her down? She laid fine this morning.
  2. Bookworm0124

    Coop expansion

    This is my current coop, it’s 4’x6’ not including the egg boxes. Chicken math happened and I need to expand. For those who are carpenter dumb what’s the easiest way? Hubby darn near threw his back out moving it here so replacing is probably not an option lol
  3. Bookworm0124

    ISO welsh harlequin hatching eggs/ducklings

    In New England ok with shipping. Looking for exhibition quality birds to add to my flock
  4. Bookworm0124

    Shipped eggs most arrived broken

    So I just got my order of eggs in, and 7 were broken upon delivery. The 5 that survived transport are covered in yolk and white. Is there any chance that they’re viable for incubation?
  5. Bookworm0124

    Rooster with pale face and lethargic

    My second rooster came home all gorgeous with a nice red face mid November. Lately I've noticed his face has become very pale. This morning I went to let the birds out and somehow he stayed out all night. It was 15 degrees Fahrenheit overnight :-/ he seemed okay and was eating normally. I let...
  6. Bookworm0124

    Injury? On Roo's leg

    Noticed this on my boys feet this morning. He's been walking a little more tenderly lately but I thought that was maybe due to growing new feathers on his feet and legs. I'll try to get better pictures but he is not a cuddly boy. Any ideas what's going on? He's the only one with any suspicious...
  7. Bookworm0124

    Is this pasty butt?

    I have a week old Cornish whose bum looks icky. I cleaned it up yesterday and it's worse today. But the anus looks clear. It's almost like it's just laying in poop? Looking for a second opinion.
  8. Bookworm0124

    Bielefelders how long do they take

    Has anyone here raised Bielefelder's strictly for meat? How long did they take to get to a decent size?
  9. Bookworm0124

    Mama raised babies

    My hen has two ducklings that she hatched out who won't use the ramp into the house at night. She got so mad at me tonight when I went outside and put them in. It's not overly steep. Any suggestions? Not the best picture but you can see a little bit of it to the left.
  10. Bookworm0124


    Now that I've culled a few of my birds I'm looking into raising some meat birds this fall. What do y'all use for pens? I was thinking a PVC tractor so that it will be light enough to move. Pictures of your set ups would be wonderful :-)
  11. Bookworm0124

    Duckling just hatched, open belly *edited for leg question^

    I just took this duckling from Mama as she kicked it out of the house twice. I thought it had a leg issue but upon further examination it looks like it has an opening on its belly that's oozing. Any suggestions or ideas on possible helps?
  12. Bookworm0124

    Broody raised duckling questions

    For those of you who have let a broody raise ducklings, what adjustments did you make to the pen, waterers and pools? I have tall containers of water that I'm going to swap out for something smaller, but the pool is currently something like the picture. Should I swap it out for a kiddie pool...
  13. Bookworm0124

    16/17 week old Cockerel attitude

    My young OE Cockerel Hermes has been jumping on my girls and grabbing their feathers lately. He doesn't let go immediately and they are NOT happy, trying to run away. Normal punk Cockerel behavior or does he need to go? I culled his brother a week or two ago for chasing the girls from the food.
  14. Bookworm0124

    Silkie gender

    One of our silkies is starting to make me wonder if it is a he. I think he's getting some streamer feathers on his head and the wattles are so much bigger than the other two we have. Thoughts? I don't really know exact age. Maybe 3-4 months?
  15. Bookworm0124

    Introducing ducklings

    I know there have been posts on this but, I have 3 3 week old babies to Integrate in with my two adults at some point. My hen decided to throw a monkey wrench into that plan by going broody two weeks back. Has anyone successfully introduced younger ducks into a pair of older ducks when the hen...
  16. Bookworm0124

    Showing ducks

    Does anyone here show ducks with the APA? I'm looking at starting hopefully this Year. What kind of prep work do you need to do with your duck prior? Any testing that needs to be done on them?
  17. Bookworm0124

    Possible punctured lung from dog attack

    I don't have any pictures but my 3 month old pullet was attacked by a dog this morning. I thought possible broken leg as I didn't see blood and she was limping. I went to get more vet wrap, and when I got home there was blood in the bedding of coop. I looked around a little further on her and...
  18. Bookworm0124

    Baby welshies!!!!

    Just some baby pictures from my 3 that hatched yesterday. I forgot how tiny they are!
  19. Bookworm0124

    Barnyard mix gender

    These two I'm not positive about. I THINK there hens when compared to my Olive egger boys but I'm not sure. Any ideas? About 10-12 weeks old.
  20. Bookworm0124

    Picked up a new coop need suggestion

    I picked this up locally today and it's pretty good. I do need to button up some gaps with hardware cloth and maybe cover them all together. My question is- the egg box lid lifts up to be opened but rubs against the roof when you open it. I'm no carpenter... How do I fix it? It also has a gap...
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