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  1. Tbjenkins2007

    Went through all my chickens today!

    Was listing all my chickens today, and I’m pretty proud of my mix! My roosters are a backyard mix (white rock/marans mix) and a black marans I have 4 EE -2 black (Avicci and Prince), 1 Wheaton (Miley) 1blue Wheaton (Crookie... long story) 1 Andalusian (Taylor) 1 Houdan (Pink) 1 crested...
  2. Tbjenkins2007

    Splay braced baby

    she only has a minor splay, but I wanted to fix it early hopefully she will stop pecking it, because she’s standing up perfectly with it on
  3. Tbjenkins2007

    Things people say about chickens

    Can they even lay eggs without a rooster? I think brown eggs taste better than white eggs. I can’t eat green or blue eggs, they’re too pretty. Does egg color affect egg taste? Aren’t all eggs just bleached white? My life....
  4. Tbjenkins2007

    Help me... figure this chicken death thing out

    Last year in feb we purchased 4 3 week old chickens from a feed store that is fairly reputable. Within 2 weeks one passed away. Possibly something respiratory, but not sure. In the spring I got 7 day Old chicks from a different hatchery, they had their own space and we slowly integrated them...
  5. Tbjenkins2007

    Low fluff on a pair of sibbies

    i have two chicks from my hatch last week that came from same parents. I’m guessing it’s from moms genes but their backs did not get long and fluffy. I can feel the softness... any way... anyone ever seen this? They are happy warm and seemingly healthy
  6. Tbjenkins2007

    What is this little chickie?

    they said maybe a buff rock? But I can’t find any photos that look like this chick.... anyone else ? This chIck is 8 weeks old
  7. Tbjenkins2007

    Jersey giant tucking neck?

    My jersey giant two days ago was clucking, happy and laying and just fine but since yesterday she has been tucking her neck and sticking up her tail. I rubbed her crop and it feels like her neck is curved down, or maybe she’s just sitting that way. When I rub her crop I can hear her breathing...
  8. Tbjenkins2007

    Ameraucana (EE) blend... sex?

    I have this beautiful blue ameraucana born April 28th (maybe an ee mix) no pink anywhere on the face. But kind of maybe acts like a dude?? Thoughts?
  9. Tbjenkins2007

    Finally enough to have breakfast!

    We all wanted to try an egg, we had to wait! Now we have enough for breakfast. My Jersey has laid 3 eggs since Sunday, my polish, 4! Yum!
  10. Tbjenkins2007

    My first eggs!

    I'm beyond excited we got our first 2 eggs today! My crested polish (whom no one was sure if she was roo or pullet) and either my jersey giant (I think it was her, they were both in there together) or my Orpington. I can't believe how little the eggs are. Like little Guinnea (sp) eggs I...
  11. Tbjenkins2007

    My coops!

    For the babies, we have what I like to call a "brooder coop" it is an old rabbit hutch that we fixed up and made better for housing up to 15 chickens 8 weeks and under. We live in AZ so with our heat lamp in a designated area, sectioned off away from the chicks it stays a good temp...
  12. Tbjenkins2007

    Crested polish pullet or cockrel?!

    Here this cutie is! It's name is Marvin(stage name: Tina Turner) We have gone back and forth on this baby it's whole life! So here we are 17 weeks... roo or pullet?
  13. Tbjenkins2007

    Name that baby!!!

    So we got a straight run of some barn mix Babies from a local rescue hatchery that takes in chicks that either need rehoming due to behaviors or just because situations change. I love what they do, so I got my chicks from them to support their cause. They are mostly EE / ameraucana mixes, but...
  14. Tbjenkins2007

    Black jersey giant cockrel or pullet

    17 weeks old. Barely a comb or wattle pinking in the face, looks the same as my obvious pullet buff Orpington. The tail feathers look so iffy... and it's such a sweet chicken
  15. Tbjenkins2007

    Obligatory introduction of another crazy chicken mama

    hey there all I'm a new chicken mom. We got our first 4 babies on feb 19. We got 4 four weekers. A White leghorn (Felicity, RIP) a Jersey Giant ( Dr. Black) a Buff Orpington (Goldie) and a Crested Polish ( Marvin-stage name Tina Turner). We have learned so much about them and even recently...
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