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  • Users: Gaelio
  • Content: Threads
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  1. Gaelio

    Cochin Banty Roo won't go in coop at night.

    This splash rooster is just a year old and I think he's the low guy on the totem pole. I have two other roosters and I saw the buff rooster do a mean spirited run at the splash rooster just before dusk when they go into the coop and I close it up. Since then I can't catch 'Buster' to put him...
  2. Gaelio

    Cross beak - how to trim

    I started a thread about my 3 week old silkie chick that has a cross beak. He/she is eating well and growing at the same rate as the rest right now. Some people mentioned that when they had a cross beak they would trim it. Could someone explain how to trim? Thanks!
  3. Gaelio

    Silkie chick with deformed beak

    This silkie chick is almost 3 weeks old and has this scissored type deformed beak. So far the chick is growing at the same rate as the rest of the group. He eats and drinks. Has anyone had this problem before and does it get worse? I'm thinking I'm going to give him a chance, but wondering...
  4. Gaelio

    Chicken years

    ok, they say that every dog year is equal to 7 human years. Is there such a thing as a 'chicken year'? I'm asking because my favorite, cuddly, cochin banty named Margie is at least 6 years old. She carries her age well. She looks great, but I'm getting worried.
  5. Gaelio

    Injured roo

    Occasionally my neighbor's german shepherd makes a dash through his electric fence and goes after my chickens. I can't blame the neighbors because they tolerate my free roaming little flock when they go into their yard and scratch. But my cochin banty roo was laying in a pile of feathers the...
  6. Gaelio

    Everyone's going all Steven Tyler

    Ha Ha, just saw a news item about a shortage of chicken feathers since Steven Tyler has been judging on American Idol. It seems that fishermen are mad because they can't get chicken feathers because hair stylists are buying them up. Everyone wants a chicken feather in their hair! Well, I...
  7. Gaelio

    Offbeat Chicken Poetry

    My daughter accused me of not loving my chickens as much as I had in the past....simply because I was ranting about them digging up my Fall plantings of daffodils. And so, in response, I waxed poetic....albeit tongue-in-cheek: The tiny flight/hop of the chicken bespeaks of its blithe spirit...
  8. Gaelio

    new member

    Hi from Wisconsin, I've been raising pet chickens for thirty years. My daughter-in-law is on this forum and so I decided to join. We chicken appreciators can always learn new things. Gael
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